learning path

Azure Bicep: Flexing Your Infrastructure-as-Code Muscles

11h 52m
Enhance your skill setDevelop essential skills for thriving in real-world scenarios.
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Suppose you want to learn the basics of Infrastructure-as-code using a simpler syntax than Microsoft's ARM templates. In that case, Azure Bicep provides the perfect solution to simpler infrastructure provisioning on Azure. This course covers the essentials around Azure Bicep Templates, including setting up your first Bicep template, introducing standard features such as parameter files, and how to convert from ARM templates.

The idea is to get you up and running with a practical understanding of using Bicep to provision your Azure infrastructure. If you have any feedback relating to this learning, please get in touch with us at support@cloudacademy.com.

Learning Objectives

  • Using Parameters and Variables with Azure Bicep Templates
  • Utilizing Parameter Files with Azure Bicep Templates
  • Converting ARM Templates to Azure Bicep

Intended Audience

This learning is helpful for anyone who wants to learn how to use Azure Bicep to manage infrastructure on Azure.


To get the most out of this course, you should have some basic understanding of Microsoft Azure, but it's not essential. Complete beginners and those interested in Infrastructure-as-Code are welcome to take this course.

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About the Author
Adil Islam
Cloud Labs Developer
Learning paths

Adil is a Microsoft Certified Trainer, former Azure Engineer, and loves all things Azure. He is a certified Azure Administrator and Azure DevOps Expert and has worked for some of the biggest MSPs in the world (Cognizant, New Signature, CoreAzure). He loves to combine his two passions: cloud and teaching.

Adil specializes in Azure Infrastructure services and has a curiosity for new, in-preview services from Azure, getting his hands familiar with the content before most of the world does. Outside of work, Adil helps run a growing community of IT professionals looking to break into the cloud and regularly runs workshops and webinars.

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