Content Updates | Cloud Academy Blog Thu, 29 Sep 2022 15:17:00 +0000 en-US hourly 1 New Content: 50+ New Programming Courses, Learning Paths, and Hands-on Labs + More Wed, 27 Jul 2022 15:47:00 +0000 In June, our team of expert certification specialists released seven new learning paths, 111 courses, 13 hands-on labs, and 2 lab challenges! AWS Google Cloud Azure Programming Security Webinars New Product Features Amazon Web Services HANDS-ON LAB: Managing Assets with the AWS CDK v2 In this lab, you will learn...

The post New Content: 50+ New Programming Courses, Learning Paths, and Hands-on Labs + More appeared first on Cloud Academy.

In June, our team of expert certification specialists released seven new learning paths, 111 courses, 13 hands-on labs, and 2 lab challenges!

Amazon Web Services

HANDS-ON LAB: Managing Assets with the AWS CDK v2

In this lab, you will learn about the two CDK asset types and incorporate one of them in a sample CDK application.

HANDS-ON LAB: Instantiating AWS CloudFormation Resources with L1 CDK Constructs

In this lab, you will work with an L1 CDK construct to learn how to implement these low-level constructs into your applications.

HANDS-ON LAB: Incorporating L2 CDK Constructs in an Application

In this lab, you will work with an L2 CDK construct to learn how to implement these higher-level constructs into your applications.

HANDS-ON LAB: Implementing AWS Solution Patterns with L3 CDK Constructs

In this lab, you will work with an L3 CDK construct to learn how to implement predictable and repeatable patterns into your applications.

HANDS-ON LAB: Processing File Uploads Asynchronously with Amazon EventBridge

Create a new Amazon EventBridge rule, configure it to transform event data, test your rule, and see how to monitor it.

HANDS-ON LAB: Managing Access and Permissions with the AWS CDK

In this lab, you will work with the IAM module to create an IAM Role with DynamoDB permissions.

HANDS-ON LAB: Review and Secure a Lambda Function with an IAM Least Privilege Based Security Policy

In this lab scenario, you take on the role of a cloud security engineer, working for a business that has implemented a particular business process in AWS using AWS Lambda.

HANDS-ON LAB: Leveraging AWS WAF to Defend an Insecure Web App

In this lab scenario, you take on the role of a cloud security engineer, working for a business that has recently launched an Internet-facing web application.

COURSE: Amazon CloudFront Design Patterns

In this course, we will be looking at Amazon CloudFront design patterns. We will begin by discussing some of CloudFront’s key features before discussing two patterns:

Pattern 1 – Using CloudFront to cache and secure content when an Application Load Balancer is the origin

Pattern 2 – Using CloudFront to cache and secure content when an S3 bucket is the origin

COURSE: Performing Data Collection using AWS Data Pipeline

This course is designed to show you how to use the AWS Data Pipeline service for data collection requirements.

COURSE: Decoupling Architectures in AWS with SQS

This course explores and introduces you to the concepts of decoupled architectures within AWS using the Amazon Simple Queue Service.

COURSE: Using SNS in a Decoupled and Distributed Environment

In this course, you’ll learn about the Amazon Simple Notification Service (SNS) and how it can be integrated against to provide notification capabilities into your own software products.

COURSE: AWS Authentication Mechanisms

In this course, we shall be looking at how AWS provides many different means of authentication.

COURSE: VPC Sharing Using the AWS Resource Access Manager

In this course, we look at the benefits of sharing a Virtual Private Cloud, a VPC, from a centralized networking AWS account using AWS Resource Access Manager (RAM).

COURSE: What is the AWS Data Provider for SAP?

This course explains what the AWS Data Provider for SAP is, what it does, and how it can help monitor and enhance the performance of business transactions via your SAP applications.

LAB CHALLENGE: Amazon VPC Peering Challenge

This hands-on lab challenge will test your practical ability to configure a solution in a production-like AWS environment. You will be presented with a task and set of requirements that you must fulfill to pass the challenge.

LAB CHALLENGE: AWS Secrets Manager Challenge

This hands-on lab challenge will test your practical ability to configure a solution in a production-like AWS environment. You will be presented with a task and set of requirements that you must fulfill to pass the challenge.

Google Cloud Platform

COURSE: Modernize Your IT Department With GCP

This course covers how GCP can be used to modernize your business. We also look at the benefits and costs of modernization.

Microsoft Azure

LEARNING PATH: MS-900 Exam Preparation: Microsoft 365 Fundamentals

This learning path is designed to help you prepare for the MS-900 Microsoft 365 Fundamentals exam.

HANDS-ON LAB: Using Conditional Access Policies to Enable Azure AD Multi-Factor Authentication

In this lab, you will set up and test a conditional access policy to trigger a multi-factor authentication request.

HANDS-ON LAB: Deploying Custom App Image to Container Apps using Azure Container Registry

In this hands-on lab, you will learn how to deploy custom container images to Container Apps referencing Azure Container Registry using the Azure Portal.

HANDS-ON LAB: Creating Users in Azure Active Directory

In this lab, you will create a new user in Azure Active Directory and assign an Azure AD role to the user.

COURSE: Unified Data Governance With Microsoft Purview

In this course, users will explore the suite of tools available in Microsoft Purview for registering and scanning data sources, connecting a business glossary, searching the data catalog, and customizing metadata with enrichments and classifications.

COURSE: Device and Application Protection in Microsoft 365

In this course, you will learn how to successfully manage different types of devices in Microsoft 365.

COURSE: Configuring Apps on a Session Host in Azure Virtual Desktop

This course will help you to deploy applications and allow you to streamline your Azure Virtual Desktop experience.

COURSE: Configuring and Managing Multi-Site, Multi-Domain, and Multi-Forest Environments in Active Directory

In this course, we start by reviewing AD DS forest and domain trusts. Then we examine forest design considerations to create a scalable environment that can meet future demands. Next, we investigate Active Directory sites, site links, and how they relate to the organization’s network configuration.  Finally, we evaluate AD DS replication and how site links can optimize replication in an AD DS environment.

COURSE: Introduction to Security in Microsoft 365

In this course, we take an introductory look at the security tools within Microsoft 365.

COURSE: Introduction to Microsoft 365

In this course, we take an introductory look at the productivity tools included within Microsoft 365. We go over the wide range of benefits each tool can provide and give examples of how and when to use each tool.

COURSE: Implementing Azure Backup

In this course, we’ll take an introductory look at Azure Backup, where you’ll learn what it is and what it does.

COURSE: Prepare for the MS-900 Exam

In this course, we go over the objectives of the MS-900 Microsoft 365 Fundamentals exam.

COURSE: Introduction to Microsoft 365 Administration

In this course, we take an introductory look at administration within Microsoft 365.

COURSE: Microsoft 365 License Structure

In this course, we take a look at the licenses available for Microsoft 365 and what each offers.


LEARNING PATH: C++ Programming: From Beginner to Master

Practical, hands-on, and aimed at beginners who are keen on mastering C++, this learning path is designed to get students coding in C++ as quickly as possible, while also teaching the best tips, tricks, and theory behind the code.

LEARNING PATH: Android App Development with Kotlin – Beginner to Advanced

The content in this learning path is a perfect mix of theoretical and practical content, which will go deep into the essential aspects of Kotlin and app development for Android.

LEARNING PATH: Programming with Java: From Beginner to Master

Learn Java quickly and confidently with this practical learning path which will have you writing code in Java straight away!

LEARNING PATH: Developing Mobile Apps for iOS

Learn how to build your own mobile apps for iOS with this practical learning path covering the essentials of iOS as well as SwiftUI!

HANDS-ON LAB: Python: Introduction to Pip

This lab introduces some of the core concepts of pip. Expand your development skills by learning to install Python distribution packages.

HANDS-ON LAB: Configure a dbt Profile and Define Sources

In this lab, you will configure a dbt profile that points to a PostgreSQL database hosted in your lab environment, and you will define some sources based on tables available in the PostgreSQL database.

COURSE: Components of Android

This course explores the essential components of the Android system and how they can be used for building apps in Android.

COURSE: Exceptions and Debugging in C++

In this course, we will discuss the topic of exceptions and debugging. We’ll see that exceptions are objects representing exceptional situations and that these are usually problems in our code or in the environment in which our code is running.

COURSE: Intent & Lifecycles in Android App Development

This course focuses on lifecycles and intent in Android and then moves on to look at services, receivers, and Android app binding.

COURSE: VIPER & Protocol in iOS and Swift Development

In this course, we’re going to take a look at the VIPER architectural pattern and also protocol-oriented programming and we’re going to start our project.

COURSE: Building a To Do List App in Android

In this course, we develop an Android application named To Do List. You will follow along as we build an app that allows you to add tasks to a list, save the data to device memory and read the data back.

COURSE: Building an Angry Birds Clone

In this course, we learn about a framework called Sprite Kit and use it to build a clone of the Angry Birds game.

COURSE: Crash Course in SwiftUI

This course delves into SwiftUI, which you can use to create user interfaces for your apps. We’re going to cover how to use it, how to create views, and how to leverage it to create responsive apps that work in all screen sizes.

COURSE: Pointers in C++

In this course, we will explore the basic concepts and fundamentals of pointers in C++ and you’ll learn how to use them to point to dynamically allocated memory.

COURSE: Control Flow Statements in Kotlin

In this course, you will learn about control flow statements in Kotlin, including the if-else statement, the if-else-if ladder statement, the nested if statement, and when statements.

COURSE: Building a Foursquare Clone

In this course, we’re going to build a Foursquare Clone using Parse. Parse provides you with a great tool to work in cloud servers and you will learn the advantages and disadvantages that come with it.

COURSE: Android App Development with Kotlin – Introduction

This course provides the introduction to the Android App Development with Kotlin learning path and provides you with a general overview of the upcoming training as well as the general Android ecosystem as a whole.

COURSE: Control Statements in Java

This course explores the fundamental concepts and syntax associated with Control Flow and showcases these with some real-life projects.

COURSE: File Input and Output in C++

This course covers file input/output (file I/O). Being able to read from and write to secondary storage is important because often we want to keep some data persistently. By the end of this course, you will have the skills necessary to do this.

COURSE: Leveraging Map Functions for Your iOS Apps

This course explores maps and how we can integrate them into our apps. We’ll leverage map functions like finding the user location, showing the user’s location on the map, and choosing a location on the map to get its coordinates.

COURSE: Introduction to Classes and Objects in C++

In this course, we look at Object-Oriented Programming, focusing on objects and classes.

COURSE: SharedPreferences & Data Saving in Android App Development

This course explores how to both save and then retrieve data in your Android app. We’ll look at storage in the SharedPreferences class as well as saving data to local memory.

COURSE: Inheritance and Polymorphism in C++

This course is designed to enhance your object-oriented programming skills by focusing on two concepts: inheritance and polymorphism.

COURSE: Lists & Views in Android App Development

In this course, we look at the various different ways that information can be presented to users within an Android app. We’ll cover a variety of views that you can incorporate into your apps.

COURSE: Object Oriented Programming (OOP) in Kotlin

This course covers the concept of Object-Oriented Programming in Kotlin, which is a method of designing and implementing software.

COURSE: Strings and the StringBuilder Class in Java

This course delves into the String class and looks at the functionality it provides through a host of methods. We will also discuss how string objects are immutable, which means the object itself can’t be modified once they’ve been created.

COURSE: Design Practice in iOS

This course covers how to draw some icons and logos within your iOS app. In order to do that we’re going to use Adobe XD one more time and you will see it in practice.

COURSE: Introduction to Design

This course explores the fundamentals of how to design an iOS app. You’ll learn what you need to consider in the design process and the various tools available.

COURSE: Getting Started with C++

This course will help you prepare for the Complete C++ Developer learning path and get you set up with the right development environments.

COURSE: Advanced iOS Features: Permanent Features, Segue, Alert Message, Timers, and Gestures

This course explores some advanced iOS features. We’ll look at how to store data permanently. You’ll learn how to work with more than just one screen, how to use Gesture Recognizers, Timers, Alert Messages and so much more.

COURSE: Leveraging Core Data to Store Data on iOS

This course focuses on a concept known as core data, which will allow us to store our data in a database.

COURSE: C++ Functions

This course explores functions in C++ and puts them to use in a range of projects.

COURSE: Using Operators in Kotlin

This course takes a deep dive into Kotlin operators, giving you a practical understanding of how to use operators in your code.

COURSE: Exploring Table Views on iOS

This course is going to explore table views, which are views that allow you to display data in your arrays.

COURSE: Pentesting and Privilege Escalation with Mr. Robot

In this course, we explore brute force attacks, hacking WordPress, changing users, and suid privilege escalation.

COURSE: Using Object-Oriented Programming in Swift

This course delves into Object-Oriented Programming (OOP), covering its main components, and then putting these into practice by walking you through the creation of an app using OOP.

COURSE: Enabling Push Notifications for iOS Apps

This course explores how to enable push notifications in your iOS apps.

COURSE: Building an Instagram Clone

In this course, we’re going to create an Instagram Clone and learn how to work with cloud servers using Firebase.

COURSE: Environment Setup

This brief course will walk you through how to set up the environments necessary for following along with the Android App Development with Kotlin learning path.

COURSE: Using Layouts in Your iOS Apps

In this course focused on layouts, we’re going to see how to create user interfaces for our apps so that you can see how views work and you’ll learn how to create views just using code rather than your main storyboard.

COURSE: Using Advanced Techniques in Swift

This course focuses on advanced techniques in Swift. You’ll be introduced to structs and how we can use them in our code.

COURSE: Assessing the Features of Android Devices with Kotlin and Java

In this course, we’ll cover how to access the features of Android devices. You’ll learn how to send an SMS, send an email, make a call, and convert speech to text on Android.

COURSE: Methods in Java

This course looks at methods, which are named, self-contained blocks of code that you can call upon to help solve problems for you.

COURSE: Fragment Operations in Kotlin

This course explores fragment operators in Kotlin. You’ll learn about the different types of fragments and how you can use them.

COURSE: Fundamentals of Data Structures in C++

In this course, we will explore the fundamental concepts of abstract data types (ADTs) and data structures.

COURSE: XCode Overview & Getting Started

In this course, we’re going to get ready to write some code. We’re going to set your MacBook up and we are going to download a software called Xcode, in which we will write our swift codes.

COURSE: Templates, the STL, and Other Skills in C++

In this course, we will build on your existing foundational and object-oriented oriented skills and enhance them by looking at templates, the Standard Template Library, and other skills to help you in your builds.

COURSE: Tips & Tricks for Android App Development

This course covers some tips and tricks for developing Android applications from an experienced developer and will help you when you are building your own mobile apps.

COURSE: Threading, Async & Await in iOS

This course covers the concepts of Threading, Async & Await in iOS.

COURSE: How to Make a Website for Your App

This course shows you how you can build a website for your app so that after you upload your app to the app store, you have a marketing website for it.

COURSE: File I/O and Exceptions in Java

This course covers how to persist data as well as how to write data from programs to file to be used later, which is called file output.

COURSE: Components for Developing an Android App

This course delves into the essential components that will allow you to build engaging and user-friendly Android apps!

COURSE: Introduction to Android App Development

This course will introduce you to Android app development, get you set up with the correct development environments, and begin introducing the basics of the Android system.

COURSE: Exploring Android Studio Interface

In this course, we will examine the interface of Android Studio and explore the Gradle Build system, manifest files, and resources such as strings, drawables, etc.

COURSE: Deep Dive into Swift 5

This course will provide you with a comprehensive understanding of the fundamentals of Swift.

COURSE: Using WidgetKit to Create and Manage Widgets in iOS

In this course, we explore what widgets are and how to work with them. You’ll learn what a widget is and how you can leverage them in order to provide an optimum user experience in your apps.

COURSE: Leveraging Machine Learning for Your iOS Apps with MLKit

This course focuses on machine learning. We’re going to discuss what machine learning is and how we can leverage it to create intelligent and engaging apps.

COURSE: Control Statements in C++

This course explores the fundamental concepts and syntax associated with the flow of control in programs.

COURSE: Functions in Kotlin

This course explores functions in Kotlin. You’ll learn what a function is and how you create a function. We will then learn about declarations and calling of functions. Finally, we will look at function types and function return types.

COURSE: User Interactions in Android App Development

This course covers the different types of messages that you can use in your Android app, namely toast messages, snackbar messages, and dialog messages.

COURSE: Fundamentals of C++

This course provides you with a solid understanding of the fundamentals of C++.

COURSE: Fundamentals of Kotlin

This course covers the fundamentals of Kotlin, looking at the building blocks of the programming language and how they can be used to build apps in Android.

COURSE: Exploring the Special Features of iOS

This course focuses on iOS special features including face recognition, custom keyboards, sticker packs, and more.

COURSE: Sending Data Between Screens in Android App Development

This course explores how to send data from one screen to another in Android applications.

COURSE: Building a Snapchat Clone

In this course, we’re going to create a Snapchat clone using structs and various advanced techniques of Firestore.

COURSE: Loops in Kotlin

This course explores Kotlin loops, including for loops, forEach loops, while loops, infinite loops, and do-while loops.

COURSE: Arrays and ArrayLists in Java

This course covers the fundamentals of data structures specifically looking at the regular built-in arrays that Java provides as part of the language, as well as the ArrayList class, which lives in 

the java.util package.

COURSE: Arrays and Vectors in C++

This course explores arrays and vectors which are types of data structures in C++.

COURSE: Augmented Reality in iOS

This course explores augmented reality and how to use it to bring some visuals into our lives, into our living rooms.

COURSE: Using JSON & APIs to Build a Currency Converter

In this course, we’re going to build a currency converter app in order to teach you about JSON and APIs.

COURSE: Introducing Java

This course explores the fundamentals of Java and puts them to use with some real-life examples looking at an average of three program and a mad libs project.

COURSE: How to Make Money from Your App

This course will show you how we can make money out of your apps. We’ll explore the alternative ways to make money using IOS development as well as how to use Google advertisements in your app so that you can earn money with Google ads.

COURSE: Device Compatibility in Android 12 App Development

In this course, we look at the various components that you can use to enhance the compatibility of your app. We’ll look at multi-language support, different pixel densities, and different screen sizes.

COURSE: Introduction to Classes and Objects in Java

This course looks at Object-Oriented programming in Java and shows how classes are designed and constructed, and how objects are created from them.

COURSE: Building a Math Game App on Android

This is a highly practical course that walks you through how to create a simple math game for school children on Android. We will make use of the Kotlin components that we covered in the Android App Development with Kotlin learning path, bringing them all together in a real-world app.


LEARNING PATH: Web Penetration Testing & Bug Bounty Hunting

This practical learning path will guide you through how to find vulnerabilities and bugs in websites and web applications through web penetration testing.

LEARNING PATH: Practical Deep Dive into Pentesting & Privilege Escalation

This LP is ideal for anyone who wants to learn about penetration testing and privilege escalation or anyone who is looking to transition into a cybersecurity role. It covers penetration testing in-depth, privilege escalation for Windows and Linux, and walks users through a wide variety of capture-the-flag ethical hacking challenges.


In this course, we’re going to learn about SQL Injections, focusing on GET SQL Injections.

COURSE: Advanced SQLi

This course provides you with a deep dive into SQL Injections, covering some of the more advanced techniques.

COURSE: Introduction to Cross-Site Scripting Attacks

This course covers cross-site scripting (XSS) attacks, which are important to know about for anyone interested in ethical testing or bug bounty hunting.

COURSE: A Practical Introduction to HTML Injection

This course explores HTML injection, stored HTML injection, and other types of attacks in order to begin carrying out some web pen testing in a practical way.

COURSE: Introduction to Kali Linux

This course provides an overview of Kali Linux and some of its main components and features. We’ll also take a look at Linux in general including how it looks, how to use it, how to use the command line, how to change the settings, and more.

COURSE: Brute Force Attacks

This course covers brute force attacks as well as the features of Burpsuitel.

COURSE: Setting Up Kali Linux

This course explains how to set up Kali Linux as part of the Web Penetration Testing & Bug Bounty learning path.

COURSE: Introduction to Server-Side Request Forgery

In this course, we’re going to take a look at Server-Side Request Forgery (SSRF) vulnerability and learn what it is and how we can exploit it.

COURSE: Pentesting and Privilege Escalation with Wakanda

This course will walk you through how to solve a number of tasks as part of a capture-the-flag (CTF) game called Wakanda. You will learn the necessary skills to excel in penetration testing and privilege escalation.

COURSE: Introduction to SQL Injection

This course looks at how to find vulnerabilities, how to inject comments using said vulnerabilities, and other techniques that allow you to penetrate SQL databases.

COURSE: Penetration Testing and Privilege Escalation with Bandit

This course will walk you through a variety of exercises and techniques as part of a capture the flag (CTF) game called Bandit.

COURSE: Information Gathering

This course looks at the information gathering techniques that you can carry out as reconnaissance on the website you’re planning to attack.

COURSE: Introduction to Directory Traversal

In this course, you will learn how you can view unauthorized files and folders using a technique known as directory traversal and learn how to automize the process with a tool called dotdotpwn.

COURSE: Web Penetration Testing with Juice Shop

This course puts into practice a lot of the concepts we’ve covered so far. We’ll be using a vulnerable website called Juice Shop to solve a variety of challenges.

COURSE: How to Make Money Legally with Web Pentesting

This course covers some additional resources that you can use to improve your web penetration testing skills, and how you can make money from them through legitimate means.

COURSE: Command Injection & SSI

In this course, we continue working on bWAPP and we’re going to use it to learn about some new attacks, namely command injection and SSI vulnerabilities.

COURSE: SQL Crash Course

This course focuses on SQL vulnerabilities which are some of the most common and dangerous vulnerabilities that you will come across when you carry out web pentesting or bug bounty hunting.

COURSE: Deep Dive into Privilege Escalation on Linux

This course explores how to carry out privilege escalation on Linux machines. We look at enumeration, kernel exploits, sudo list, suid, crontab, and much more!

COURSE: Crash Course in HTML

This crash course in HTML starts off with some basic questions such as “What is a website?” and “How do websites work?” before moving on to look at the fundamentals of HTML.

COURSE: API Pentesting

This course focuses on API Security and explains the kinds of vulnerabilities that we can find inside APIs, how to exploit them, and how to secure them as well.

COURSE: Pentesting and Privilege Escalation with FristiLeaks

In this course, we solve a vulnerable virtual machine called FristiLeaks in order to explore pentesting and privilege escalation techniques.

COURSE: Cross-Site Request Forgery (CSRF)

This course talks about Cross-Site Request Forgery (CSRF) and covers how to install a vulnerable machine called Metasploitable and how to start using it.

COURSE: A Practical Intro to PHP Injections

This course builds upon our bWAPP app to run you through how to carry out PHP Injections as well as look at upload vulnerabilities.

COURSE: Pentesting and Privilege Escalation with Arctic

In this course, we explore pentesting and privilege escalation as we solve a Windows virtual machine called Arctic.


Check out the complete list, including links to sign up for future webinars and watch recordings of past ones, on our Webinars page.

Recent — click to view recording

Ongoing — click to register

New Product Features

Changes to the way the product looks or works appear in the Cloud Academy Release Notes page. We released four new features in June.

We expanded the scope of the Team Members report (previously the Active Team Members report) to include all invited users regardless of whether they have accepted the invitation. For consistency, we also renamed the Members report (previously the Active and Invited Members report).

We changed the name of the Job Role Paths menu option (formerly Job Roles) on your management toolbar. We made this change to prevent confusion with the Job Roles Skills Intelligence Platform feature currently available in beta release.

A new version of the Certifications dashboard is now available in beta release. You can view it by clicking the banner that appears at the top of the Certifications screen. This version of Certification will replace the existing version around the end of July 2022. See How the New Certifications Dashboard is Different for a summary of the changes.
Two major components of our Skill Intelligence Platform capabilities ⁠— Programs and Career Paths ⁠— are now available in beta release. If you are interested in participating in the beta program, contact or your CSM.

The post New Content: 50+ New Programming Courses, Learning Paths, and Hands-on Labs + More appeared first on Cloud Academy.

Cloud Academy AWS Podcast, AWS CDK Toolkit Challenge and more Thu, 16 Jun 2022 18:04:00 +0000 In May, our team of expert certification specialists released a new learning path, 22 courses, and 14 hands-on labs! AWS Google Cloud Azure DevOps Programming Webinars Technical Bulletin Amazon Web Services LEARNING PATH: Cloud Academy Parking Lot Podcast Series The Cloud Academy Parking Lot Podcast series covers a huge range...

The post Cloud Academy AWS Podcast, AWS CDK Toolkit Challenge and more appeared first on Cloud Academy.

In May, our team of expert certification specialists released a new learning path, 22 courses, and 14 hands-on labs!

Amazon Web Services

LEARNING PATH: Cloud Academy Parking Lot Podcast Series

The Cloud Academy Parking Lot Podcast series covers a huge range of different topics, technologies, principles, vendors, certifications, what’s new, what’s hot, and much more!

HANDS-ON LAB: AWS CDK Toolkit v2 Challenge

This hands-on lab challenge will test your practical ability to interact with the AWS CDK Toolkit and Python to satisfy a set of requirements in a production-like AWS environment.

HANDS-ON LAB: Defining Cloud Infrastructure with the AWS CDK v2 in Python

In this lab, you will use the AWS CDK Toolkit to create an AWS CloudFormation stack using the Python programming language.

HANDS-ON LAB: Working with the AWS CDK v2 Toolkit

In this lab, you will walk through the development process of a sample AWS CDK application in an integrated development environment (IDE) to utilize the AWS CDK Toolkit to learn when and how to use the subcommands.

COURSE: Amazon Managed Workflows for Apache Airflow (MWAA)

This course delves into Amazon-managed workflows for Apache Airflow (MWAA). This is a great service for anyone already using Apache Airflow, and wanting to find a better way to deal with setting up the service, scheduling, and managing their workflow.

COURSE: Automating your EBS snapshots with the Data Lifecycle Manager

In this course, you’ll learn about Amazon Data Lifecycle Manager and how to manage EBS snapshots within the AWS console. We’re going to talk about the different types of policies you can create, automate, and monitor using Amazon DLM, along with a demo of how to get started.

COURSE: Authorization Controls in AWS

This course looks at some of the different methods that AWS implements to authorize access within your AWS account, whether this is a user requiring access to an AWS service, or a network packet trying to reach its destination.

COURSE: The difference between Authentication, Authorization and Access control

This course explores the differences between authentication, authorization, and access control in order to control access to your cloud resources effectively and with the appropriate level of security.

COURSE: Podcast – AWS Series ‘Cloud Academy Parking Lot’ Episode #3

In this episode of our Cloud Academy Parking Lot podcast, you will follow along with our AWS team, including Stuart Scott, Danny Jessee, Jorge Negrón, and Will Meadows, as they discuss various AWS certifications. They look at the SAP specialty, the newly announced Solutions Architect Associate, and the Cloud Academy Cloud Practitioner Learning Path.

COURSE: EC2 Instances for SAP Workloads on AWS

This course discusses EC2 instances for SAP workloads on AWS.

COURSE: FinOps – Forecasting Cloud Costs

In this course, you are going to learn about cloud forecasting and how to align forecasting models with the maturity of your FinOps / Cloud Financial Management practice.

COURSE: Networking and VPC for SAP on AWS

This course provides an overview of networking and VPC configuration options for SAP environments running on AWS.

Google Cloud Platform

HANDS-ON LAB: Shortening URLs using Firebase Dynamic Links

In this lab, you will create a URL prefix and shorten an existing URL to a Firebase dynamic link using the URL prefix as the prefixed domain.

HANDS-ON LAB: Creating Outbound Connections using Google Cloud NAT

In this lab, you will walk through the process of setting up Cloud NAT. This includes creating a Cloud Router that acts as a control plane for Cloud NAT by implementing the routes. Finally, you will create a Compute Engine instance without an external IP to verify the ability to connect to the internet.

COURSE: Introduction to Google Cloud NAT

Learn how you can connect your VMs and GKE clusters to the internet without opening them up to outside attack.

COURSE: Configuring GCP Access and Security

To help you get the most out of the security tools offered in Google Cloud, this course covers how to properly manage IAM, service accounts, and audit logs.

Microsoft Azure

HANDS-ON LAB: Interacting with Azure Cosmos DB from NextJS Web App using Application Settings

In this hands-on lab, you will discover how to connect Azure Web App to a CosmosDB Account by leveraging application settings to pass the information as an environment variable.

HANDS-ON LAB: Setting up Azure DevOps Server for On-Premises Development

In this lab, you will install a basic deployment of Azure DevOps Server and add multiple collections to the instance.

HANDS-ON LAB: Upgrading an Azure DevOps Server Deployment Version

In this lab, you will install a new version of Azure DevOps Server, upgrading from Azure DevOps Server 2019 to Azure DevOps Server 2020.

HANDS-ON LAB: Securing Azure Web App Application Settings using KeyVault Secrets

In this hands-on lab, you will learn how to secure the application settings on a web app using Key Vault referenced secrets in the Azure Portal.

COURSE: Understanding Azure Service Level Agreements and Lifecycles

In this course, I’ll start by explaining the purpose of Azure Service Level Agreements (or SLAs) and some of the details they contain. Then I’ll cover some of the actions that impact SLAs. Finally, I’ll go over the lifecycle of Azure services, from public preview to retirement.

COURSE: Configuring User Experience Settings in Azure Virtual Desktop

This course will help you to configure end-user experience settings and allow you to streamline your Azure Virtual Desktop experience.

COURSE: Deploying and Managing Active Directory DS Domain Controllers

In this course, we start by reviewing the Windows AD DS environment including forests and domains. Then we review considerations for deploying domain controllers in a virtualized environment, on-premises, and in Azure. Next, we look at use cases for deploying read-only domain controllers at locations where physical security cannot be guaranteed. Lastly, we examine flexible single master operations roles and how to locate and move them to support troubleshooting efforts.

COURSE: Implementing Azure AD Identity Protection

This course will provide you with an understanding of what Azure Identity Protection is, what it does, and how to implement identity protection policies.

COURSE: Getting Started with Microsoft Defender for Cloud

This course helps you understand what Microsoft Defender for Cloud is, what it offers, and how it can be used to protect resources.

COURSE: Optimizing a Power BI Data Model

This course is intended for anyone who wants to improve the speed and responsiveness of their reports by improving the underlying Power BI data model.


HANDS-ON LAB: Practice Effective DevOps with Azure DevOps

This lab demonstrates how Azure Repos, Azure Boards, and Azure Pipelines can work together for a simulated product launch.


HANDS-ON LAB: Python: Introduction to Mocking

Expand your Python skills by learning to use the built-in unittest.mock module.

HANDS-ON LAB: Python: Introduction to Patching

This lab introduces the unittest.mock.patch callable through hands-on learning.

HANDS-ON LAB: Python: Palindrome

In this lab you’re going to test your knowledge of Python to solve a code challenge.

HANDS-ON LAB: Python: Database API Specification v2.0

This lab introduces some of the primary concepts of DB-API compliant database modules.

COURSE: Introduction to Collections in Python

This course is part of a series of content designed to help you learn to program with the Python programming language.

COURSE: Introduction to Mobile Development with Xamarin

This course introduces you to Xamarin and you’ll learn how to set up a development environment, as well as what’s needed to develop apps for different platforms. We’ll also run through how to create a basic app and deploy it to Android and iOS.

COURSE: Introduction to Nothing in Python

This brief course takes a quick look at the none object in Python, as well as the is and is not operators.

COURSE: Introduction to Node.js – What is a Node Module and Non-blocking I/O

This practical course offers an introduction to what is a Node module and goes into greater detail by working with one of Node’s built-in modules.

COURSE: Introduction to Node.js – Comparing the Browser and Node.js

This practical course explores the fundamental difference between the Browser and Node.js.

COURSE: Introduction to Node.js – What is Node.js?

This short course offers an introduction to what exactly is Node.js.


Check out the complete list, including links to sign up for future webinars and watch recordings of past ones, on our Webinars page.

Upcoming — click to register

Recent — click to view recording

Ongoing — click to register

Technical Bulletin

Upcoming changes that may affect your automations appear in the Cloud Academy Technical Bulletins page.

Starting from June 13, you will see the following changes to reports:

  • The scope of the Active Team Members report will be expanded to include all invited users regardless of whether they have accepted their invitation. The name of the report will change to Team Members report, and the filename you download will be
  • For consistency, the name of the Active and Invited Members report will change to Members report. The filename you download will be

The post Cloud Academy AWS Podcast, AWS CDK Toolkit Challenge and more appeared first on Cloud Academy.

New Content: Certified SAP on AWS (PAS-C01), Google Cloud + MongoDB, and lots more Fri, 27 May 2022 02:44:00 +0000 In April, our team of expert certification specialists released six new or updated learning paths, 30 courses, 15 hands-on labs, and two lab challenges! AWS Google Cloud Azure DevOps Programming Webinars New Product Features Amazon Web Services LEARNING PATH: Certified SAP on AWS – Specialty (PAS-C01) Certification Preparation for AWS...

The post New Content: Certified SAP on AWS (PAS-C01), Google Cloud + MongoDB, and lots more appeared first on Cloud Academy.

In April, our team of expert certification specialists released six new or updated learning paths, 30 courses, 15 hands-on labs, and two lab challenges!

Amazon Web Services

LEARNING PATH: Certified SAP on AWS – Specialty (PAS-C01) Certification Preparation for AWS (Preview)

This learning path has been designed for individuals wanting to demonstrate critical knowledge related to SAP solutions and workloads running in the AWS Cloud.

LEARNING PATH: Initializing Amazon EC2 Instances with AWS CloudFormation Init

In this lab, you will inspect and deploy an AWS CloudFormation template that utilizes the cfn-init and cfn-signal helper scripts to initialize an Apache server on an Amazon EC2 instance.

LEARNING PATH: Preventing Updates to AWS CloudFormation Resources with Stack Policies

In this lab, you will learn how to apply and override a stack policy that is associated with an AWS CloudFormation stack.

HANDS-ON LAB: Creating a RESTful API Using Amazon API Gateway

In this lab, you will create a REST API in Amazon API Gateway and configure it to handle requests to return mock data. You will be introduced to API Gateway terminology which will help you build your own distributed systems.

HANDS-ON LAB: Amazon VPC Endpoint Service Challenge

In this lab challenge, you will be tested on your practical ability to build out a solution in a production-like AWS environment.

HANDS-ON LAB: Configuring HTTPS Endpoints on AWS Lambda Functions with AWS Lambda Function URLs

In this lab, you will create a Lambda function URL for both a new and existing AWS Lambda function using the AWS console.

HANDS-ON LAB: Using AWS Launch Wizard to Deploy SAP HANA

In this lab, you will use AWS Launch Wizard to create a new SAP HANA deployment.

COURSE: How to Find Compliance Data Using AWS Artifact

In this course, we will be examining AWS Artifact, a free self-service resource that provides you with immediate access to AWS security and compliance reports, as well as the ability to view and accept agreements with AWS at both the account and organization level.

COURSE: Deploying SAP Applications and Databases to AWS

In this section of the AWS Certified: SAP on AWS Specialty learning path, we introduce you to strategies for deploying your SAP applications and databases to AWS.

COURSE: Operating and Monitoring SAP Workloads on AWS

In this section of the AWS Certified: SAP on AWS Specialty learning path, we introduce you to strategies for operating and monitoring SAP workloads on AWS.

COURSE: Configuring High Availability and Disaster Recovery for SAP Workloads on AWS

In this section of the AWS Certified: SAP on AWS Specialty learning path, we introduce you to strategies for configuring high availability and disaster recovery for SAP workloads on AWS.

LAB CHALLENGE: Amazon S3 and Amazon Athena Challenge

This hands-on lab challenge will test your practical ability to configure a solution in a production-like AWS environment. You will be presented with a task and set of requirements that you must fulfill to pass the challenge.

Google Cloud Platform

HANDS-ON LAB: Self-Hosting MongoDB on Google Compute Engine

This lab walks you through the process of getting MongoDB up and running on an instance and deploying a MongoDB replica set.

HANDS-ON LAB: Comparing Google Cloud Big Data Services

In this lab, you will understand first-hand the difference between some of Google Cloud’s Big Data solutions: BigQuery, Dataproc, and Dataflow.

HANDS-ON LAB: API Management with Apigee

This lab guides you through the process of managing APIs with Apigee from creating the Apigee organization to monitoring deployed API proxies.

COURSE: Introduction to Apigee API Management

In this course, you will learn how to manage your APIs by using Apigee. Apigee allows you to continuously make improvements while also ensuring stability and reliability.

COURSE: Advanced Apigee API Management

This course covers some of the more advanced features available in the Apigee API management tool.

COURSE: Designing a GCP Security Infrastructure

This course walks you through the main security components of Google Cloud Platform and uses a case study to show you how these can be applied to a real-world example.

COURSE: GCP Services Overview

In this course, you will get an overview of the GCP services available in various categories, such as compute, storage, and networking, and you will also see hands-on examples showing you how to create virtual machines and web apps using the Google Cloud Console and gcloud command-line interface.

COURSE: Enable IPv6 Support for your VPC and Resources

In this course, we will review some of the internet protocol version 4 features of Amazon VPCs.

COURSE: Designing a GCP Infrastructure: Compute, Storage, and Network

This course explores the compute, storage, and networking services available on Google Cloud Platform and how you can use them to construct an enterprise-class application architecture.

COURSE: Identity and Context-Aware Access Control

This course explores Zero Trust and how it can be implemented using BeyondCorp Enterprise. We also look at securing resources and applying access levels.

COURSE: GCP Security and Management Overview

This course takes a brief look at security and management concepts and the various GCP services that can be used to maintain security in your cloud environments and keep them running smoothly.

Microsoft Azure

LEARNING PATH: PL-900 Exam Prep: Microsoft Power Platform Fundamentals

This learning path is designed to help you prepare for the PL-900 Microsoft Power Platform Fundamentals exam.

LEARNING PATH: SC-900 Exam Prep: Microsoft Security, Compliance, and Identity Fundamentals (PREVIEW)

This learning path is designed to help you and your team prepare for the SC-900: Microsoft Security, Compliance, and Identity Fundamentals exam.

LEARNING PATH: Implementing CDN for Azure Web Apps

In this hands-on lab, you will implement an Azure CDN profile to host static assets for web applications.

HANDS-ON LAB: Managing Permissions and Users in Azure Virtual Desktop

In this hands-on lab, you will understand and assign the user permission for AVD using the Azure Portal.

COURSE: Managing Microsoft 365 Security Reports and Alerts

This course will explore best practices and fundamentals using Microsoft 365’s Secure Score as a primary barometer to measure protection and readiness as well as timely and effective responses to threat incidents.

COURSE: From Data to Insights With Power BI

In this course, you will learn about several Power BI tools that would help you enhance reports to expose insights and present them in a way that appeals to a wide range of end-users.

COURSE: Working with Archived and Deleted Data in Microsoft 365

This course will focus on how to manage archival, deletion, and restoration of content and data within Microsoft 365.

COURSE: Implementing Business Continuity for Azure Virtual Desktop

This course will help you plan and implement business continuity plans for your Azure Virtual Desktop and allow you to understand how it integrates with the other Azure native backup and disaster recovery services.

COURSE: Automating Azure Virtual Desktop Management Tasks

This course will help you plan and automate management tasks for your Azure Virtual Desktop and help you understand how it integrates with other Azure native automation services.

COURSE: Designing and Implementing Azure Service Endpoints

This course will focus on how to create and configure Azure service endpoints so that PaaS services can be made available from within your virtual network.

COURSE: Managing Azure Costs

In this course, you’ll learn how to forecast Azure costs, choose the right subscription and purchasing options, track spending, and use cost reduction strategies.

COURSE: Core Components of Power Platform

This course explores the core components of Microsoft’s Power Platform, including the Microsoft Dataverse, common data model, compliance, connecting data to Power Platform, and the AI Builder.

COURSE: Advanced Analysis with Power BI

The course starts with basic statistics such as standard deviation and then progresses to AI and machine learning analysis where Power BI does all the heavy lighting allowing the user to investigate and dynamically explore significant findings.

COURSE: Understanding the Business Value of Microsoft Power Platform

This course is specifically designed to give you an understanding of what Microsoft Power Platform is and what kind of business value it can provide you and your organization.

COURSE: Designing and Implementing Azure Service Endpoints

This course will focus on how to create and configure Azure service endpoints so that PaaS services can be made available from within your virtual network.

LAB CHALLENGE: Deploying Azure Virtual Desktop Environment Challenge

This hands-on lab challenge will test your practical ability to interact with the Azure Virtual Desktop to satisfy a set of requirements in a production-like Azure environment.


HANDS-ON LAB: Using Tmux in Kubernetes Certification Exams

In this hands-on lab, you will learn how to use Tmux to manage multiple terminals and quickly switch between them.


HANDS-ON LAB: Understanding and Using CSS Properties

In this lab, you will add CSS properties to CSS rule declaration blocks and see how they affect HTML elements.

HANDS-ON LAB: Selecting HTML Elements using CSS

Learning how to select HTML elements in different ways will help you write CSS more efficiently.

HANDS-ON LAB: Arranging and Ordering HTML Elements Using CSS

In this lab, you will see how to use CSS to arrange and order HTML elements.

HANDS-ON LAB: Positioning HTML Elements using CSS

In this lab, you will position HTML elements in various ways.

HANDS-ON LAB: Specifying CSS Box Model Element Properties

In this lab, you will see the different properties available in the CSS box model.

HANDS-ON LAB: Python: Introduction to Unittest

This lab introduces the unittest module through hands-on learning.

COURSE: Introduction to CSS: The Box Model

This practical course offers an introduction to the CSS Box Model.

COURSE: Introduction to CSS: The Display Property

This practical course offers an introduction to the CSS Display Property.

COURSE: Introduction to CSS Floats

This practical course offers an introduction to CSS Floats.

COURSE: Introduction to Web APIs: Dynamically Generated Elements

This practical course explores a combination of multiple Web APIs that can be used to create dynamically generated elements on a page.

COURSE: Introduction to Python Operators

This course provides an intro to Python Operators, exploring what they are used for and the different types of operators available in Python.

COURSE: Introduction to Flow Control in Python

This course provides an intro to Flow Control, exploring conditionals and types of loops available in Python.

COURSE: Introduction to if-elif-else

This course is part of a series of content designed to help you learn to program with the Python programming language. 


Check out the complete list, including links to sign up for future webinars and watch recordings of past ones, on our Webinars page.

Recent — click to view recording

Ongoing — click to register

New Product Features

Changes to the way the product looks or works appear in the Cloud Academy Release Notes page. We released two new features in April.

Certification dashboard and report scope expanded

You may notice that there are more certifications on your Certifications dashboard and your Certifications report. Previously, the scope of these tools included only certifications issued by big-name providers like AWS, Azure, Alibaba, and Google Cloud. We’ve expanded the scope to include all certifications uploaded by your team members, regardless of the provider.

New filters for training library search results

Previously, the filters for training library search results were difficult to navigate. The entire list of filters appeared on the left side of the screen and could not be collapsed. 

Now, the filters appear in drop-down menus at the top of the search results, which makes them easier to navigate. You can easily apply more than one filter⁠—within the same category or across categories⁠—at the same time, and clear all filters or the filters for a single category with one click.

The post New Content: Certified SAP on AWS (PAS-C01), Google Cloud + MongoDB, and lots more appeared first on Cloud Academy.

New Content: AWS Cloud Practitioner, Azure AZ-140 and more Fri, 22 Apr 2022 01:00:00 +0000 In March, our team of expert certification specialists released five new or updated learning paths, 27 courses, 17 hands-on labs, and four lab challenges! March’s new content fell into these categories: AWS Google Cloud Azure Data Science & AI Programming Webinars New Product Features Amazon Web Services LEARNING PATH: AWS...

The post New Content: AWS Cloud Practitioner, Azure AZ-140 and more appeared first on Cloud Academy.

In March, our team of expert certification specialists released five new or updated learning paths, 27 courses, 17 hands-on labs, and four lab challenges! March’s new content fell into these categories:

Amazon Web Services

LEARNING PATH: AWS Cloud Practitioner (CLF-C01) Certification Preparation for AWS

This certification learning path is specifically designed to prepare you for the AWS Certified Cloud Practitioner (CLF-C01) exam.

LEARNING PATH: Entering the AWS world

This learning path was specially created to help you enter the AWS world and practice your skills through hands-on labs.

HANDS-ON LAB: Using Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling with the AWS CLI

In this hands-on lab, you will use the AWS CLI to create a new Auto Scaling Group, and you will explore the scaling options available.

HANDS-ON LAB: Optimize a Deployed AWS Web Application

In this lab scenario, you’ll learn how to optimize an already deployed and running web application.

HANDS-ON LAB: Migrating to Amazon RDS Graviton2 Database Instances

Use RDS database instance snapshots to migrate to Graviton2 RDS database instance and perform in-place upgrades to Graviton2 RDS database instances.

HANDS-ON LAB: Amazon EBS GP2 to GP3 Migration

In this lab scenario, you’ll learn how to easily migrate an EBS volume from GP2 to GP3.

HANDS-ON LAB: Automating CloudFormation Stack Drift Remediation Using AWS Lambda and Amazon EventBridge

In this lab, you will use an AWS Lambda function and an Amazon EventBridge rule, to continuously monitor a CloudFormation stack using drift detection.

HANDS-ON LAB: Creating and Using a VPC Endpoint Service

In this lab, you will create a VPC endpoint service and related resources. You will then test that they work.

COURSE: Understanding the AWS Nitro System

This course explores the AWS Nitro System, covering the basics of the service, its core components, and its benefits.

COURSE: A Survey of Serverless

This course walks you through the range of serverless services offered by Amazon Web Services and provides links to more in-depth courseware for each of those services.

COURSE: Podcast – AWS Series ‘Cloud Academy Parking Lot’ Feb 2022

In this episode of our Cloud Academy Parking Lot podcast, you will follow along with our AWS team, including Stuart Scott, Danny Jessee, Jorge Negrón, and Will Meadows, as they discuss topics including AWS Pi Day, the AWS Networking Specialty Exam, and AWS IoT Twin Maker.

COURSE: AWS Incident Response: Isolating your EC2 instances

This course covers a few strategies for isolating your EC2 instances in response to a security event and explores the pros and cons of those strategies.

LAB CHALLENGE: Amazon Kinesis Data Firehose and Amazon CloudWatch Challenge

This hands-on lab challenge will test your practical ability to configure a solution in a production-like AWS environment. You will be presented with a task and set of requirements that you must fulfill to pass the challenge.

LAB CHALLENGE: AWS Web Application Firewall Challenge

In this lab challenge, you will be tested on your practical ability to build out a solution in a production-like AWS environment. You are presented with a task and a set of requirements that you must fulfill to pass the challenge.

LAB CHALLENGE: Amazon EC2 Instance Isolation Challenge

In this lab challenge, you will be tested on your practical ability to solve problems in a production-like AWS environment. You are presented with a task and a set of requirements that you must fulfill to pass the challenge.

Google Cloud Platform

LEARNING PATH: Deepen your GCP Knowledge

This learning path was specially designed to take your GCP skills to the next level and practice them through hands-on labs.

HANDS-ON LAB: Connecting to a Cloud SQL Database with the Cloud SQL Auth Proxy

In this lab, you will create a Cloud SQL database instance and learn how to securely connect to the instance using the Cloud SQL Auth Proxy and a custom IAM Service Account.

HANDS-ON LAB: Establishing VPC Network Peering Connections in Google Cloud

In this lab, you will create a VPC network peering connection between two networks.

COURSE: Introduction to Google Cloud DNS

This course will show you how easy it is to manage millions of DNS records using its simple user interface.

COURSE: Introduction to Google Cloud Armor

This course explores Google’s Cloud Armor service and its features.

Microsoft Azure

LEARNING PATH: AZ-140 Exam Preparation: Configuring and Operating Microsoft Azure Virtual Desktop (Preview)

This learning path is designed to help people prepare for the AZ-140 Configuring and Operating Microsoft Azure Virtual Desktop exam. Candidates who pass the AZ-140 exam will earn the Microsoft Certified Azure Virtual Desktop Specialty certification.

LEARNING PATH: Learning about Azure

This learning path was specially designed to build your Azure skills and practice them through hands-on labs.

HANDS-ON LAB: Configuring Web Apps for Private Access using VNet Integration

In this hands-on lab, you will learn how to restrict public access to the Azure Web Apps using VNet Integration and Access Restrictions.

HANDS-ON LAB: Managing User Mailbox Email Addresses Using Exchange Online PowerShell

In this lab, you will add and remove email addresses on a user’s Exchange Online mailbox using Exchange Online PowerShell.

HANDS-ON LAB: Managing Distribution Lists Using Exchange Online PowerShell

In this lab, you will create a new distribution list and adjust the members of the distribution list.

HANDS-ON LAB: Securing Public Web Apps through FrontDoor using Access Restrictions Advanced Filters

In this hands-on lab, you will learn how to secure public web app endpoints hosted behind Azure Front Door using advanced access restriction filters.

HANDS-ON LAB: Managing User Mailboxes Using Exchange Online PowerShell

In this lab, you will query mailboxes for information, assign mailbox permissions to a delegate user mailbox and convert mailboxes to shared mailboxes.

HANDS-ON LAB: Managing Microsoft 365 Groups Using Microsoft Graph PowerShell

In this lab, you will explore the Microsoft Graph PowerShell module by managing groups in your Microsoft 365 environment.

HANDS-ON LAB: PowerBI Desktop for Business Users

This lab covers the use of Power BI Desktop to connect to data, create Visualizations, query the data and publish reports.

HANDS-ON LAB: Maintaining Windows Server Lab

In this lab, your job is to complete the setup of a server by configuring items that you will use to perform ongoing regular maintenance and document important configuration settings.

HANDS-ON LAB: Introduction to Azure Virtual Desktop (AVD)

In this hands-on lab, you will understand the basics of the Azure Virtual Desktop offering and create the necessary resource in the Azure Portal.

COURSE: Creating a Bot Using Microsoft Bot Framework Composer

This course shows you the fundamentals of how to create, test, troubleshoot, and publish chatbots using the Microsoft Bot Framework Composer.

COURSE: Managing Security on Azure Virtual Desktop

This course will help you manage security on your Azure Virtual Desktop and allow you to understand how it integrates with the other Azure services. It covers understanding conditional access policies, multi-factor authentication, integrating with Microsoft Defender for Cloud, and deploying antivirus onto session hosts.

COURSE: Managing FSLogix on Azure Virtual Desktop

This course will help you implement and manage FSLogix on Azure Virtual Desktop and allow you to understand how it integrates with other Azure services. It covers what FSLogix is, how to deploy it, and how to configure its various features.

COURSE: Managing Device Compliance in Microsoft 365

This course explores the suite of tools available in Microsoft Endpoint Manager for establishing and maintaining security posture in an organization.

COURSE: Configuring Azure VNet Integration

This course will focus on how to configure Azure Kubernetes Service and Azure App Service so that they are accessible within an Azure Virtual Network.

COURSE: Using Deployment Slots in Azure App Service

In this course, we’ll show you how to use Azure App Service deployment slots in a variety of ways.

COURSE: Deploying Code From GitHub to Azure App Service

In this brief course, we’ll show you how to deploy code from GitHub to Azure App Service both manually and using continuous deployment.

COURSE: Configuring Information Rights Management in Microsoft 365

This course explores Information Rights Management in Microsoft 365 and how to configure it for different workloads including SharePoint, OneDrive, and Exchange Online.

COURSE: Managing Azure Virtual Desktop Session Host Images

This course covers imaging in Azure to show you how you can build Azure Virtual Desktop session hosts as well as prepare for the AVD Specialty exam.

COURSE: Planning for Azure AD Device Join

This course looks at what goes into planning for Azure AD Device Join in Microsoft 365, and what you need to take into consideration when formulating your plans.

COURSE: Communication Compliance in Microsoft 365

This course explores communication compliance in Microsoft 365 and the benefits it can bring to your organization.

COURSE: Configuring Networking in Azure App Service

In this course, we’ll cover the most commonly used networking configurations in Azure App Service, including how to create a custom domain name for your app, how to enable TLS/SSL, and different ways of controlling inbound and outbound connections to and from your app.

COURSE: Configuring and Using Activity Explorer in Microsoft 365

This course introduces the Activity Explorer feature that’s found in the Microsoft 365 Compliance Center.

LAB CHALLENGE: Front Door Hosted Web App Access Restriction Challenge

This hands-on lab challenge will test your practical ability to interact with the Azure Front Door and Azure Web App to satisfy a set of requirements in a production-like Azure environment.

Data Science and AI

COURSE: Enriching Reports in Power BI

This course covers the features in Power BI that allow you to enhance the functionality of your reports to improve the user experience.


COURSE: Introduction to CSS Syntax

This practical course offers a brief introduction to CSS Syntax. CSS uses a selector, a property, and the property’s value to apply CSS.

COURSE: Introduction to CSS Positioning and Z-Index

This practical course offers an introduction to CSS Positioning and Z-Index.

COURSE: Introduction to CSS Selectors and CSS Properties

This practical course offers an introduction to some common CSS Selectors and CSS Properties.

COURSE: Introduction to JavaScript Promises

This practical course offers a brief introduction to JavaScript Promises.

COURSE: Introduction to Web APIs: Fetch API

This practical course offers an introduction to the Fetch API.

COURSE: Introduction to the Python Language

This course provides an introduction to some of these different components including the programming language itself.

COURSE: Introduction to Python Objects

This course provides a high-level glimpse into the basic mechanics of objects. With the goal of providing you with a vocabulary and mental model for understanding Python.


Check out the complete list, including links to sign up for future webinars and watch recordings of past ones, on our Webinars page.

Ongoing — click to register

New Product Features

Changes to the way the product looks or works appear in the Cloud Academy Release Notes page. We released four features in March.

Redesigned User Profile

This is more than just a visual refresh, the user profile has enjoyed a thorough upgrade. This latest evolution has better navigation, makes it easier to find information, and offers tools to help users understand their skill scores and how their training affects them. See our short New User Profile video for a quick tour.

Consistent Navigation in Content Engine

Previously, Content Engine used a completely different style for its navigation compared to the rest of the platform. Now, the left-hand navigation appears consistently throughout the user experience.. Has a New Look

The Cloud Academy website has a fresh new look, as well as a tool that lets visitors personalize their experience depending on whether they’re researching on their own behalf or representing an enterprise.

Pre-hire Assessment Results as a PDF

If you use our pre-hire assessment product to evaluate the technical skills of job candidates, you can now export the results of the assessment as a PDF.

The post New Content: AWS Cloud Practitioner, Azure AZ-140 and more appeared first on Cloud Academy.

Cloud Academy Spring 2022 Content Update Fri, 11 Mar 2022 13:00:00 +0000 Cloud Academy’s Content Team is made up of subject matter experts, developers, lab specialists, exam creators, animators, and video production masters, just to name a few of the talented folks. They work hard to plan the entire year’s releases based on customer needs and industry trends.  This post will review both...

The post Cloud Academy Spring 2022 Content Update appeared first on Cloud Academy.

Cloud Academy’s Content Team is made up of subject matter experts, developers, lab specialists, exam creators, animators, and video production masters, just to name a few of the talented folks. They work hard to plan the entire year’s releases based on customer needs and industry trends. 

This post will review both the highlights and details of all the new training content that Cloud Academy has released over the past three months, which covers 16 new learning paths, 94 new courses, 70 exams, and 78 new labs.

We also made 71 major updates to training content, starting with our certifications – keeping you ahead of the competition and on track with the big three cloud providers – plus tons of lectures, labs, and quizzes across the board.

Content Roadmap

Moving forward, you can check out what’s just released and coming soon in our real-time Content Roadmap. This roadmap is constantly updated with titles and descriptions of fresh material. Upcoming content is sorted by category so it’s easy to find any cloud provider, platform, or topic Cloud Academy trains on.

For now, here’s what Cloud Academy has released in the past three months, just in time for Spring 2022.

💥 Note: For those of you into the latest certifications, you’ll find them under each main category section below, e.g. Alibaba Cloud, AWS, etc.

Table of Contents

Alibaba Cloud

Alibaba Cloud new and updated certifications

Alibaba Cloud Courses


AWS new and updated certifications

AWS Solutions Architect Associate

🚨 Note 🚨: The new AWS Solutions Architect Associate SAA-C03 exam starts August 30, 2022! Learn all about the changes from SAA-C02 to SAA-C03, topics covered in the domains, and exam format in this post from our AWS Content Director, Stuart Scott.

AWS Learning Paths

AWS Courses

January’s topic: How do you move into the cloud when starting from a non-technical background?

AWS Labs

AWS Exams

  • Cert Prep: AWS Security Specialty Certification (Update)
  • Cert Prep: Certified AWS Cloud Practitioner (Update)
  • Cert Prep: Certified Developer – Associate for AWS (DVA-C01) (Update)
  • Contextualized Quiz: Managing Access Using IAM User Groups & Roles
  • Final Exam: Analyzing Your Data with Amazon Redshift
  • Final Exam: AWS Developer Tools
  • Final Exam: Monitoring and Observing Resources with Amazon CloudWatch
  • Knowledge Check: Amazon Redshift Distribution Styles
  • Knowledge Check: Analytics (DVA-C01)
  • Knowledge Check: Application Integration (DVA-C01)
  • Knowledge Check: AWS Compute Fundamentals
  • Knowledge Check: Compute (DVA-C01)
  • Knowledge Check: Containers (DVA-C01)
  • Knowledge Check: Databases (DVA-C01)
  • Knowledge Check: Developer Tools (DVA-C01)
  • Knowledge Check: Introduction to Amazon Redshift
  • Knowledge Check: Introduction to Microservices, Containers, and ECS
  • Knowledge Check: Management & Governance (DVA-C01)
  • Knowledge Check: Managing Your Instances using the AWS Systems Manager
  • Knowledge Check: Networking & Content Delivery (DVA-C01)
  • Knowledge Check: Security, Identity, and Compliance (DVA-C01)
  • Knowledge Check: Storage (DVA-C01)
  • Knowledge Check: Terraform 1.0 – Provisioning AWS Infrastructure
  • Knowledge Check: Understanding AWS Lambda
  • Knowledge Check: Understanding CI/CD (DVA-C01)
  • Preliminary Evaluation: AWS Core Services

AWS Quizzes

  • Review for course: Amazon Redshift Distribution Styles
  • Review for course: Amazon Redshift Spectrum
  • Review for course: An Introduction to Amazon Lightsail
  • Review for course: How AWS IAM is Used to Securely Manage Access
  • Review for course: Introduction to Amazon Redshift
  • Review for course: Introduction to Microservices, Containers, and ECS
  • Review for course: Introduction to the Amazon Device Farm Service
  • Review for course: Introduction to the Amazon Internet of Things (IoT) Service
  • Review for course: Introduction to the Amazon Pinpoint Service
  • Review for course: Loading Data into Amazon Redshift
  • Review for course: Managing Access using IAM User Groups & Roles
  • Review for course: Managing User Identities with Long Term Credentials in AWS IAM
  • Review for course: Managing Your Instances using the AWS Systems Manager Run Command, Documents, & Parameter Store
  • Review for course: Protecting Your Web Apps Against Common Exploits using AWS WAF
  • Review for course: Tablet Talk: AWS Storage Explained
  • Review for course: Terraform 1.0 – Provisioning AWS Infrastructure
  • Review for course: The AWS Network – How Does It Actually Work!?
  • Review for course: Using Amazon Route 53 to Route End Users to Internet Applications


Azure new and updated certifications

AZ-700 certification example from Cloud Academy

Here’s an AZ-700 Azure Networking cert example taken from the course Azure Networking – Designing a Solution. Follow along as you learn how to create a solution for customers who want to buy concert tickets. The original Azure diagrams were a bit confusing so our instructors – always thinking about what’s best for the learner – made a new diagram to illustrate the concept.

Azure Learning Paths

Azure Courses

  • Analyzing Text by Using the Azure Text Analytics Service
  • Autoscaling on Azure App Service
  • Configuring Azure Application Firewall
  • Configuring and Managing Microsoft Defender Application Control
  • Configuring and Managing Microsoft Defender Application Guard
  • Creating a Chatbot Using the Azure Bot Framework SDK
  • Creating and Managing Power BI Workspaces
  • Creating Dashboards in Power BI
  • Creating Reports in Power BI
  • Designing an Azure Virtual Desktop Architecture
  • Designing and Building HADR for SAP Workloads on Azure
  • Designing for Azure Virtual Desktop User Identities and Profiles
  • Developing a Power BI Data Model
  • Implementing an Azure Virtual WAN
  • Implementing Azure ExpressRoute
  • Implementing Networking for Azure Virtual Desktop
  • Implementing Storage for Azure Virtual Desktop
  • Introduction to Azure App Service
  • Learning Path Introduction – Becoming a Microsoft Sentinel Expert
  • Managing Access to Azure Virtual Desktop
  • Managing Indexing in Azure Cognitive Search
  • Running a Container on Azure App Service
  • SAP on Azure – Backup and Restore
  • SAP on Azure – Monitoring and Optimization
  • Using DAX to Build Measures in Power BI

Azure Labs

  • Advanced Threat Hunting in Microsoft Sentinel
  • Autoscaling of Azure VM Scale Sets using availability zones
  • Azure API Management service
  • Azure Availability sets and Azure Load Balancer Basic
  • Azure Cognitive Search
  • Azure QnA Maker
  • Azure Storage Blob Static Website Challenge
  • Connecting to Azure VM using Bastion Host
  • Creating Knowledge Bases using Azure DevOps Wiki
  • Creating Your First Azure Virtual Machine Scale Sets
  • Deploying Web App on Azure Virtual Machine Scale Sets Challenge
  • Exploring Query Statement and Function Types in Kusto Query Language (KQL)
  • Exploring the Microsoft 365 Developer Program
  • Getting Started with Azure Container Instances
  • Handling Messages with Azure Storage Queue
  • Hosting Static Web App on Azure Blob Storage
  • Image Recognition
  • Implementing Azure Storage Account Failover Strategy
  • Implementing DNS-based Traffic Routing with Azure Traffic Manager
  • Introduction to Kusto Query Language (KQL)
  • Intune Lab
  • Managing Microsoft 365 Users Using Microsoft Graph PowerShell
  • Managing Shared Resource Access Using Microsoft 365 Groups in Microsoft 365 Admin Center
  • Managing Users in Microsoft 365 Admin Center
  • Predict Income Levels Using Azure Machine Learning Designer
  • Publishing Repository Content as a Wiki in Azure DevOps
  • Speech recognition
  • Standardizing User Creation Using Templates in Microsoft 365 Admin Center
  • Understanding Azure Networking Products: Load Balancers, Application Gateways, and CDNs
  • Using Azure Synapse Analytics to Query Data Lake
  • Using Microsoft’s GPO to Configure and Verify Updates
  • Working with Virtual Machine Scale Set Scaling

Azure Exams

  • Final Exam: Azure Networking
  • Knowledge Check: Adding Intelligence – Unlocking New Insights with AI & Machine Learning
  • Knowledge Check: Amazon Redshift Spectrum
  • Knowledge Check: Assessing Data Characteristics for Power BI
  • Knowledge Check: Big Data 2.0 – IoT as Your New Operational Data Source
  • Knowledge Check: Connecting Your Physical Environment
  • Knowledge Check: Deciphering Data – Optimizing Data Communication to Maximize your ROI
  • Knowledge Check: Designing an Azure Virtual Desktop Architecture
  • Knowledge Check: Designing for Azure Virtual Desktop User Identities and Profiles
  • Knowledge Check: Implementing an Azure Virtual WAN
  • Knowledge Check: Introduction to Power BI
  • Knowledge Check: Loading Data into Power BI
  • Knowledge Check: Storage Solutions for SAP on Azure
  • Knowledge Check: Strategy & Best Practices When Mapping Designs from Edge to Cloud
  • Microsoft Azure Fundamentals (AZ-900) (Update)
  • Preliminary Evaluation: Azure Core Services
  • Preview Exam: Administering Relational Databases on Microsoft Azure (DP-300)
  • Preview Exam: Designing and Implementing Microsoft Azure Networking Solutions (AZ-700)

Azure Quizzes

  • Azure Virtual Desktop
  • Review for course: Adding Intelligence – Unlocking New Insights with AI & Machine Learning
  • Review for course: Assessing Data Characteristics for Power BI
  • Review for course: Big Data 2.0 – IoT as Your New Operational Data Source
  • Review for course: Building a Chatbot on Azure
  • Review for course: Connecting Your Physical Environment to a Digital World – A Roadmap to IoT Solutioning
  • Review for course: Creating an App on Azure Service Fabric
  • Review for course: Deciphering Data – Optimizing Data Communication to Maximize Your ROI
  • Review for course: Developing Long-Running Tasks on Azure
  • Review for course: Implementing Azure Infrastructure Compliance and Security
  • Review for course: Introduction to Azure Security Center
  • Review for course: Introduction to Power BI
  • Review for course: Loading Data into Power BI
  • Review for course: Storage Solutions for SAP on Azure
  • Review for course: Strategy & Best Practices When Mapping Designs from Edge to Cloud

Cloud Computing – General

  • Exam – Knowledge Check: What is Cloud Computing?
  • Quiz – Review for course: Getting Started with the Internet of Things


DevOps Exams

  • Knowledge Check: Ansible Basics
  • Knowledge Check: Deploying Containerized Applications with Red Hat OpenShift
  • Knowledge Check: Red Hat Enterprise Linux
  • Knowledge Check: Red Hat OpenStack
  • Knowledge Check: Red Hat Satellite Technical Overview
  • Knowledge Check: Running Containers with Red Hat

DevOps Quizzes

  • Review for course: Ansible Automation for SAP
  • Review for course: Ansible Basics – Automation Technical Overview
  • Review for course: Running Containers with Red Hat
  • Review for course: User Management in Linux

Google Cloud

Google Cloud new and updated certifications

Google Cloud Courses

  • Introduction to Developing on Anthos
  • Introduction to Google Cloud Dataprep

Google Cloud Labs

  • Centralizing Remote State with Terragrunt in GCP
  • Creating a NoSQL Database with Google Firestore in Native Mode
  • Creating Reusable Infrastructure with Terraform Modules in GCP
  • Deploy a Google Cloud Engine Instance with Terraform Challenge
  • Find Application Performance Bottlenecks With Google Cloud Trace
  • Importing Existing Infrastructure into Terraform with GCP
  • Investigate Application Code in Production With Google Cloud Debugger
  • Managing Google Cloud Platform Environments with Terragrunt
  • Optimizing Terraform Configurations with Loops in GCP
  • Passing Outputs Between Terraform Modules with Terragrunt in GCP
  • Profile Applications in Production With Google Cloud Profiler
  • Securing Your Applications with Google Cloud Armor and Firewall Rules
  • Testing Google Cloud Platform Modules with Terratest
  • Understanding Terraform State with GCP
  • Working with Terraform Conditional Expressions in GCP
  • Working with Terraform Provisioners in GCP
  • Working with Terraform Remote State in GCP
Terragrunt Google Cloud Lab on Cloud Academy

⬅️ An example of the details you’ll find in the lab Passing Outputs Between Terraform Modules with Terragrunt in GCP. You’ll learn how Terragrunt passes outputs to resources downstream.

Google Cloud Quizzes

  • Cert Prep: Google Cloud Digital Leader
  • Knowledge Check: Google Cloud Pub/Sub – Advanced Topics
  • Knowledge Check: Introduction to Developing on Anthos
  • Knowledge Check: Introduction to Google Cloud Pub/Sub
  • Knowledge Check: Managing and Investigating Service Incidents on GCP
  • Knowledge Check: Managing Container-Based Development Environments on GCP
  • Knowledge Check: Managing GCP Operations Monitoring
  • Review for course: Building and Testing Applications on Google Cloud Platform
  • Review for course: Deploying Applications on GCP – Compute
  • Review for course: Deploying Applications on GCP – Data, Networking, and More
  • Review for course: Google Cloud Pub/Sub – Advanced Topics
  • Review for course: Introduction to Google Cloud Pub/Sub
  • Review for course: Managing and Investigating Service Incidents on GCP
  • Review for course: Managing GCP Operations Monitoring


Programming Learning Paths

Programming Courses

  • Introduction to HTML Elements
  • Introduction to HTML Forms
  • Introduction to JavaScript Classes
  • Introduction to JavaScript Conditionals – Switch Statements
  • Introduction to JavaScript Constructor Methods and Prototypes
  • Introduction to JavaScript Deep/Shallow Copies and the Spread Operator
  • Introduction to JavaScript For Loops
  • Introduction to JavaScript Higher Order Functions: Map & Filter
  • Introduction to JavaScript Higher Order Functions: Reduce
  • Introduction to JavaScript Object Constructors
  • Introduction to JavaScript Object Methods
  • Introduction to JavaScript Rest Operator
  • Introduction to JavaScript Spread Operator
  • Introduction to Web APIs and the DOM
  • Introduction to Web APIs: DOM Manipulation
  • Introduction to Web APIs: DOM Selectors
  • Introduction to Web APIs: Event Listeners

Programming Labs

  • Creating a Central Authorization Layer using Cloud IAP
  • Go Challenge: Acronym
  • Go Challenge: Isogram
  • Go Challenge: Leap Years
  • Go Challenge: Run-Length Encoding
  • Go Challenge: Scrabble Score
  • Go Challenge: Trinary Numbers
  • Testing and Evaluating System Performance
  • Working with HTML Elements
  • Working With JavaScript Classes
  • Working With JavaScript For Loops
  • Working With JavaScript Higher Order Functions
  • Working With JavaScript Object Constructor
  • Working With JavaScript Rest Operator
  • Working With JavaScript Spread Operator

Programming Exams

  • Knowledge Check: Introduction to Object Orientation and C# Classes
  • Knowledge Check: What is an API and How Do They Work?
  • Post-Test: Software Development Track Module 1 (Java)
  • Post-Test: Software Development Track Module 1 (Python)
  • Post-Test: Software Development Track Module 2
  • Pre-Test: Software Development Track Module 1 (Java)
  • Pre-Test: Software Development Track Module 1 (Python)
  • Pre-Test: Software Development Track Module 2

Programming Quizzes

  • Review for course: Foundation of Creating an HTML Document
  • Review for course: Fundamentals of Web Page Development
  • Review for course: Introduction to HTML Text Elements
  • Review for course: Introduction to JavaScript Arrays
  • Review for course: Introduction to JavaScript Comparison Operators
  • Review for course: Introduction to JavaScript Conditionals (If Statements)
  • Review for course: Introduction to JavaScript Destructuring
  • Review for course: Introduction to JavaScript ES6 Variables
  • Review for course: Introduction to JavaScript Functions
  • Review for course: Introduction to JavaScript Logical Operators
  • Review for course: Introduction to JavaScript Objects
  • Review for course: Introduction to JavaScript Template Literals
  • Review for course: Introduction to JavaScript Variables, Primitive Data Types, and Console
  • Review for course: Introduction to Object Orientation and C# Classes
  • Review for course: Introduction to Semantic HTML Elements
  • Review for course: TypeScript -Simple Types
  • Review for course: What is an API and How Do They Work?


Security Learning Paths

Security Courses

  • CSSLP Domain 3:1 – Design Processes
  • CSSLP Domain 3:2 – Design Considerations
  • CSSLP Domain 3:3 – Securing Commonly Used Architecture
  • CSSLP Domain 3:4 – Technologies
  • CSSLP Domain 4:1 – Common Software Vulnerabilities and Countermeasures
  • CSSLP Domain 4:2 – Defensive Coding Practices
  • CSSLP Domain 4:3 – Secure Coding Operations
  • CSSLP Domain 5:1 – Security Quality Assurance Testing
  • CSSLP Domain 5:2 – Security Testing
  • CSSLP Domain 6:1 – Introduction to Software Acceptance
  • CSSLP Domain 6:2 – Pre-release Activities
  • CSSLP Domain 6:3 – Completion Criteria
  • CSSLP Domain 6:4 – Post-release Activities
  • CSSLP Domain 7:1 – Secure Software Installation and Deployment
  • CSSLP Domain 7:2 – Secure Software Operations and Maintenance
  • CSSLP Domain 8:1 – Supply Chain Risk Assessment
  • CSSLP Domain 8:2 – Supplier Sourcing
  • CSSLP Domain 8:3 – Software Development and Testing
  • CSSLP Domain 8:4 – Software Delivery, Operations and Maintenance
  • CSSLP Domain 8:5 – Supplier Transitioning
CSSLP Domain 3:1

⬅️ 75% of our extensive Certified Information Systems Security Professional (CISSP) training has been updated during the past three months. Threat treatment strategy is taken from Domain 3:1 – Design Processes.

Security Exams

  • Knowledge Check: CSSLP Domain 2:1 Policy Decomposition
  • Knowledge Check: CSSLP Domain 2.2 and 2.3: Data and Security Requirements
  • Knowledge Check: CSSLP Domain 3:1 Design Processes
  • Knowledge Check: CSSLP Domain 3:2 Design Considerations
  • Knowledge Check: CSSLP Domain 3:3 Securing Commonly Used Architecture
  • Knowledge Check: CSSLP Domain 3:4 Technologies

Security Quizzes

  • Review for course: CSSLP Domain 2:1 Policy Decomposition
  • Review for course: CSSLP Domain 2:2 Data Classification & Categorization
  • Review for course: CSSLP Domain 2:3 Requirements

The post Cloud Academy Spring 2022 Content Update appeared first on Cloud Academy.

New: AWS Certified Developer, Azure Labs, Alibaba course, plus more Thu, 24 Feb 2022 01:00:00 +0000 In January, our team of expert certification specialists released three new or updated learning paths, 32 courses, 25 hands-on labs, and two lab challenges! New Content on Cloud Academy December’s new content fell into these categories: Amazon Web Services Google Cloud Platform Microsoft Azure Alibaba Programming Security Plus, check out...

The post New: AWS Certified Developer, Azure Labs, Alibaba course, plus more appeared first on Cloud Academy.

In January, our team of expert certification specialists released three new or updated learning paths, 32 courses, 25 hands-on labs, and two lab challenges!

New Content on Cloud Academy

December’s new content fell into these categories:

Plus, check out updates on:

Amazon Web Services

LEARNING PATH: AWS Certified Developer – Associate (DVA-C01)

This learning path is curated specifically to prepare you for passing the AWS Developer – Associate exam.

HANDS-ON LAB: Controlling Amazon DynamoDB Access Using AWS IAM Policies

In this lab, you will create an AWS IAM policy, and you will use this policy to restrict access to an Amazon DynamoDB table in various ways.

HANDS-ON LAB: TIBCO Spotfire to Visualize Data

In this lab, you will analyze and visualize transformed Amazon CloudFront log data from your Amazon Redshift data warehouse using TIBCO Spotfire.

HANDS-ON LAB: Setting up a simple Data lake in AWS

Learn how to set up a simple data lake in AWS with this hands-on lab.

COURSE: Managing access using IAM User Groups and Roles

This course explores some of the security best practices when using user groups and roles and how these can help you secure access to your resources more effectively.

COURSE: Automating Patch and State Operations with AWS Systems Manager

This course looks at the AWS Systems Manager and its features. It covers how to execute commands, apply patches, and establish the desired state for instances.

LAB CHALLENGE: AWS CloudFormation Template Update Challenge

In this hands-on challenge lab, you will be given a scenario and a set of tasks to complete to meet the scenario’s requirements.

Google Cloud Platform

LEARNING PATH: The Infrastructure Developer’s Guide to Terraform: GCP Edition

This learning path contains a series of hands-on labs that will teach you how to build infrastructure using Terraform.

HANDS-ON LAB: Optimizing Terraform Configurations with Loops in GCP

This lab will walk students through the use of the count, for, and for_each tools within a Terraform configuration. It also covers some of the use cases and limitations of each.

HANDS-ON LAB: Centralizing Remote State with Terragrunt in GCP

In this lab, you will use Terragrunt to deploy a Terraform configuration in separate Google Cloud Platform environments while keeping the remote state configuration DRY.

HANDS-ON LAB: Passing Outputs Between Terraform Modules with Terragrunt in GCP

In this short lab, the student walks through the process of passing resource variables between Terraform modules.

HANDS-ON LAB: Creating a Central Authorization Layer using Cloud IAP

In this lab, you will be securing your application using Cloud Identity Aware Proxy. You will first create a simple Python application that you will deploy on the App Engine and then you will enable Cloud IAP to create a Central Authorization Layer.

HANDS-ON LAB: Testing Google Cloud Platform Modules with Terratest

In this lab, you write a test using the Terratest library that validates a Google Cloud Platform module configuration.

HANDS-ON LAB: Deploy a Google Cloud Engine Instance with Terraform Challenge

This challenge will test your practical ability to work within a Terraform project to satisfy a set of requirements in a production-like GCP environment.

COURSE: Managing Google Cloud Platform Environments with Terragrunt

This lab walks the student through creating separate environments in GCP with Terragrunt.

Microsoft Azure

HANDS-ON LAB: Creating Knowledge Bases using Wiki in Azure DevOps

In this lab, you will create and manage a basic project wiki.

HANDS-ON LAB: Implementing Azure Storage Account Failover Strategy

Upon completion of this intermediate-level lab, you will be able to understand the storage types to choose for high-availability and understand the failover process for storage endpoints.

HANDS-ON LAB: Predict Income Levels Using Azure Machine Learning Designer

In this lab, you will predict income levels using census data and compare the performance of two trained models in Azure Machine Learning Designer. You will see how easy it is to build robust models without writing a single line of code!

HANDS-ON LAB: Hosting Static Web App on Azure Blob Storage

In this hands-on lab, you will learn about Static website and perform the necessary configuration required to host the website in Azure Storage.

HANDS-ON LAB: Publishing Repository Content as a Wiki in Azure DevOps

In this lab, you will publish documentation hosted in a repository as a wiki to Azure DevOps Wiki using a development environment.

HANDS-ON LAB: Handling Messages with Azure Storage Queue

In this hands-on lab, you will learn how to create the storage queue and send/receive messages to/from the queue.

HANDS-ON LAB: Understanding Azure Networking Products: Load Balancers, Application Gateways, and CDNs

In this lab, you will navigate the Microsoft Azure Portal and receive an introduction to networking services as provided by Azure. Each lab step will focus on a different Azure networking service.

HANDS-ON LAB: Image Recognition

In this lab, you will learn the pre-built models of Azure Computer Vision service for image analysis.

COURSE: Introduction to Azure App Service

This course explores Azure App Service, which makes deploying a web application as easy as possible by managing the underlying infrastructure for you.

COURSE: Creating and Managing Power BI Workspaces

This course will walk through the process of creating Power BI workspaces, provisioning user roles, and publishing content to these spaces.

COURSE: Implementing Azure ExpressRoute

We cover design considerations when planning for ExpressRoute, requirements for installing ExpressRoute, and management and troubleshooting tasks.

COURSE: Designing for Azure Virtual Desktop User Identities and Profiles

This course will help you design and plan your Azure Virtual Desktop identity and user profiles and allow you to understand how it integrates with other Azure services.

COURSE: Implementing Storage for Azure Virtual Desktop

In this course, we will help you design your Azure Virtual Desktop storage components so you can get the most out of them in your AVD solution but also control cost to make AVD a more cost-effective solution with a dedicated focus on preparing you for the Azure Virtual Desktop Specialty exam.

COURSE: Implementing Networking for Azure Virtual Desktop

In this course, we will help you design your Azure Virtual Desktop network components so you can not only gain insight into those Azure services but also understand how they integrate and relate to the Azure Virtual Desktop service and help you to pass the Azure Virtual Desktop Specialty exam.

COURSE: Designing and Building HADR for SAP Workloads on Azure

The course looks at setting up VM and network redundancy in various scenarios and how to implement data redundancy and database recovery.

COURSE: SAP on Azure – Backup and Restore

This course focuses on continuous availability instead of high availability and complements the Azure SAP HADR course.

COURSE: Developing a Power BI Data Model

Developing a Power BI Data Model starts by looking at built-in hierarchy functionality across several scenarios to enhance a data model. Then we see how to apply row and object-level security to a data model, and the course finishes by setting the Q&A feature that enables users to provide feedback to the report writer.

COURSE: SAP on Azure – Monitoring and Optimization

This course looks at Azure Monitor, Azure Advisor, Azure Site Recovery, as well as tools like SAP Hardware and Cloud Measurement, and SAPS – SAP Application Performance Standard.

COURSE: Autoscaling on Azure App Service

This brief course explores how to use autoscaling on Azure App Service to optimize the resources necessary for running your app.

COURSE: Managing Access to Azure Virtual Desktop

This course will help you implement access to your Azure Virtual Desktop environment and understand how it integrates with the other Azure services.

LAB CHALLENGE: Azure Storage Blob Static Website Challenge

This hands-on lab challenge will test your practical ability to interact with Azure Storage to satisfy a set of requirements in a production-like Azure environment. 

Alibaba Cloud

COURSE: Powering Your Big Data Analytics with Alibaba Cloud IoT Device Data

This course looks at how to deal with analytics at scale, specifically how to empower your big data analytics with real-time data from IoT devices using Alibaba Cloud.

COURSE: Managing Compute Resources with Alibaba ECS

This course explores Alibaba’s Elastic Compute Service and the features it offers to manage your Alibaba instances.

COURSE: A Practical Understanding of Alibaba Cloud RDS

This course explores Alibaba’s RDS service looking at RDS instances, features, security, and the foundational concepts of the service.

COURSE: A Practical Understanding of Alibaba Object Storage Service (OSS)

This course explores the Alibaba Object Storage Service (OSS), covering the basics of the service and then looking at its features through guided demonstrations from the Alibaba Cloud Platform.

COURSE: Using Auto Scaling to Support Your Alibaba Cloud Workloads

This course explores the main applications of the Alibaba Auto Scaling service and includes guided demonstrations for each one.

COURSE: ACA & ACP Cloud Computing Certifications – Exam Guidance

This brief course provides some additional guidance to help you pass either the ACA or ACP Cloud Computing Certification exams.

COURSE: Securing Your Workloads with Alibaba Cloud Security

In this course, we’ll take a look at Alibaba Cloud security products to ensure host, network, apps, and data security.

COURSE: Distributing Traffic Between Instances with Alibaba Server Load Balancer (SLB)

This course introduces the Alibaba Server Load Balancer (SLB) service and its features, components, and settings.

COURSE: Fundamentals of Alibaba Content Delivery Network

This course focuses on Alibaba’s Content Delivery Network (CDN), exploring its features, architecture, and use cases.


HANDS-ON LAB: Working with JavaScript Spread Operator

After completing this lab, learners will be able to use the spread operator to make a new object from an existing object.  They will be able to merge two arrays together in order to make a new array.

HANDS-ON LAB: Working with JavaScript Rest Operator

After completing this lab, learners will be able to use the rest operator to make a new object from the remaining object properties by using destructuring.  Use the rest operator to destructure and create a new array from an existing array.  Lastly, use the rest operator as a function parameter.

HANDS-ON LAB: Working with HTML Elements

This lab gives an introduction to commonly used elements to display content on a web page. Elements used to display information on the page are often referred to as flow content.

HANDS-ON LAB: Working With JavaScript Object Constructor

In this lab, Learners will be working with the JavaScript Object Constructor. A constructor is a function that creates an instance of an object.

HANDS-ON LAB: Working with JavaScript Classes

In this lab, learners will work with different aspects of JavaScript Classes, including constructors and class methods. Classes were introduced with the inclusion of ES6 and are mostly syntactic sugar of constructor functions. A JavaScript class is a blueprint for creating objects.

HANDS-ON LAB: Working with JavaScript For Loops

In this lab, learners will be working with JavaScript For loops. A for loop is a way to loop over an iterable in JavaScript. A loop is used to execute a specific block of code a specific number of times.

HANDS-ON LAB: Working with Higher Order Functions

In this lab, learners will be working with JavaScript Higher Order Functions. A higher order function is a function that takes another function as an argument or returns a function.

COURSE: Introduction to HTML Elements

This practical course explores HTML elements and gives an introduction to commonly used elements to display content on a web page.

COURSE: Introduction to JavaScript Classes

This course explores JavaScript Classes, which were introduced with the inclusion of ES6 and are mostly syntactic sugar of constructor functions.

COURSE: Introduction to JavaScript For Loops

This course explores JavaScript for loops.  A for loop is a way to loop over an iterable in JavaScript.

COURSE: Introduction to Higher Order Functions: Map & Filter

This course explores JavaScript Higher Order Functions. A higher order function is a function that takes another function as an argument or returns a function. This course explores two built-in JavaScript higher order functions: Map and Filter.

COURSE: Introduction to Higher Order Functions: Reduce

This practical course explores the JavaScript Higher Order Function – Reduce. A higher order function is a function that takes another function as an argument or returns a function.


LEARNING PATH: CSSLP Domain 3 – Secure Software Architecture and Design

This learning path covers the four key areas of domain three of the CSSLP certification.

HANDS-ON LAB: Testing and Evaluating System Performance

This lab includes a scenario which you have to complete in a real-life environment.

COURSE: CSSLP Domain 3:2 – Design Considerations

This is the second course in Domain 3 of the CSSLP certification and covers the essential ideas, concepts, and principles that you need to take into account when building secure software.

COURSE: CSSLP Domain 3:3 – Securing Commonly Used Architecture

This is the third course in Domain 3 of the CSSLP certification and covers the essential ideas, concepts, and principles that you need to take into account when building secure software.

COURSE: CSSLP Domain 3:4 – Technologies

This is the fourth course in Domain 3 of the CSSLP certification and covers the essential ideas, concepts, and principles that you need to take into account when building secure software.


Check out the complete list, including links to sign up for future webinars and watch recordings of past ones, on our Webinars page.

Recent — click to view recording

Ongoing — click to register

New Product Features

Changes to the way the product looks or works appear in the Cloud Academy Release Notes page. We released three features in January.

You can now import your custom questions into Content Engine in bulk. You can include up to 50 questions in each import file. See Creating Custom Questions for Exams for step-by-step instructions and an explanation of the import file format.

The Training Library has a fresh new look this month. All the same functionality is still available, but the new layout substantially reduces scrolling and gets users more information about the training materials without having to click. See How the New Training Library Looks Different for a summary of the changes. 

If departments in your company have separate Cloud Academy accounts, those multiple accounts can now implement single sign-on to the same authentication system. For example, if more than one department in your organization each have a separate Cloud Academy account, they can all set up SSO with your authentication provider, such as Okta or Azure AD.

The post New: AWS Certified Developer, Azure Labs, Alibaba course, plus more appeared first on Cloud Academy.

New Content: Terraform Labs, Azure AZ-220 & lots more Tue, 14 Dec 2021 18:45:45 +0000 In November, our team of expert certification specialists released seven new or updated learning paths, 20 courses, 14 hands-on labs, and five lab challenges! New Content on Cloud Academy November’s new content fell into these categories: AWS Google Cloud Microsoft Azure Data Science & AI Programming DevOps Webinars New Product...

The post New Content: Terraform Labs, Azure AZ-220 & lots more appeared first on Cloud Academy.

In November, our team of expert certification specialists released seven new or updated learning paths, 20 courses, 14 hands-on labs, and five lab challenges!

New Content on Cloud Academy

November’s new content fell into these categories:


COURSE: Managing User Identities with Long-Term Credentials in AWS IAM

This course explains how to manage your user identities when using the AWS Identity and Access Management Service, commonly referred to as IAM.

COURSE: Managing your Instances using the AWS Systems Manager Run Command, Documents, and Parameter Store

AWS Systems Manager helps you automatically implement complex workflows related to your machine deployment, configuration, and life cycle. In this course, you will learn about AWS Systems Manager and how it allows you to manage your machine fleet at scale in AWS, your own data center, or even other cloud platforms.

COURSE: Loading data into Amazon Redshift

This course covers how to load your data efficiently using the COPY command in Amazon Redshift. You’ll learn how it can be used to load multiple or a single large file into Amazon Redshift, as well as the different features that the COPY command has to offer and what data upserting is.

COURSE: Amazon Redshift – Spectrum

This course is intended for people who want to learn more about Amazon Redshift Spectrum and how it can be used to perform SQL queries on data stored in Amazon S3.

COURSE: Protecting Your Web Apps Against Common Exploits using AWS WAF

The AWS Web Application Firewall Service, more commonly known as AWS WAF, is designed to help protect your web applications from external malicious activity. This course looks at the basics of the service before moving on to look at its components, followed by a demonstration of its configuration.

COURSE: Amazon Redshift Distribution Styles

Amazon Redshift is a cloud-native data warehouse from AWS. It has a Massively Parallel Processing framework that automatically distributes data and the query load across every node available in a cluster. This course explains how Redshift distributes table data, how keys are used inside tables, and the importance of distribution styles.

COURSE: What is an API and how do they work?

This course covers the basics of what an API is, how it functions, and why you would want to use one.

LEARNING PATH: re:Invent: LAB008 – Using data encryption on AWS

This learning path has been curated to allow you to gain the knowledge and understanding required to get the most from the LAB008 re:Invent session.

LEARNING PATH: re:Invent: CMP208 – Amazon Lightsail: The easiest way to get started on AWS

This learning path has been curated to allow you to gain the knowledge and understanding required to get the most from the following re:Invent session, enabling you to understand the insights and discussions during the talk at a greater level, and prepare you to ask some great questions for the speaker(s)!

LEARNING PATH: re:Invent: STG317 – Amazon EBS volumes and performance monitoring with Amazon CloudWatch

This is the 6th LP to support re:Invent and the chalk talk/breakout sessions being held by AWS. 

COURSE: Using Amazon Comprehend to Gain Valuable Insights from Text

Using natural language processing (NLP) and machine learning, Amazon Comprehend allows you to gather valuable insights from text. This course explains how!

COURSE: Using Amazon Route 53 to Route End Users to Internet Applications

In this course, you will be introduced to the Amazon Route 53 service and learn how it helps you register a domain name and manage it worldwide.

HANDS-ON LAB: Using AWS Lambda Functions to Process Amazon SQS Messages

This lab teaches the student how to integrate AWS Lambda with Amazon SQS and should be of interest to students studying for the Solutions Architect Associate certification.

LAB CHALLENGE: Amazon SNS and Amazon SQS Challenge

This lab tests the student’s ability to create and configure Amazon SNS and SQS queues. It should be of interest to students studying for the AWS Solutions Architect Associate certification.

LEARNING PATH: Analyzing your data with Amazon Redshift

This learning path is ideal for anyone looking to learn more about the Amazon Redshift, its capabilities, and its features.

LAB CHALLENGE: Amazon Route53 Challenge

This lab challenge tests the student’s ability to use Amazon Route 53 to host DNS.

COURSE: Forecasting Business Outcomes with Amazon Forecast

This course looks at the Amazon Forecast service, including what it does and how it works importing datasets, training predictors, and generating forecasts.

Google Cloud

HANDS-ON LAB: Deploying Google Cloud Platform Infrastructure with Terraform

This is the first of many Terraform + GCP-style labs that will make up the Infrastructure Developer’s Guide to Terraform: GCP Edition Learning Path.

HANDS-ON LAB: Creating Terraform Configurations with Implicit Dependencies in GCP

This lab covers using implicit dependencies between GCP resources in Terraform. Also discussed are resource graphs and the WebGraphViz browser tool, which aid in the visualization of the GCP resource relationships.

COURSE: Google Cloud Pub/Sub – Advanced Topics

This course demonstrates Pub/Sub options including filtering and ordering messages, creating and enforcing schemas, as well as replaying previously delivered messages.

HANDS-ON LAB: Working with Terraform Configuration Variables in GCP

This lab will walk you through declaring and referencing input and output variables within a Terraform configuration.

Microsoft Azure

LEARNING PATH: MS-101 Exam Preparation: Microsoft 365 Mobility and Security (preview)

This learning path is designed to prepare the student for the MS-101 Microsoft 365 Mobility and Security exam.

COURSE: Introduction to Power BI

Power BI has changed the BI landscape forever, enabling BI professionals and regular excel users alike to work with big data and build insightful dashboards. This course gives you a solid foundation to begin your Power BI journey.

COURSE: Loading Data into Power BI

In this course, we’ll review the Power BI Desktop interface. Then we’ll show you how to load data into Power BI Desktop and how to save your file. We will also explain data profiling and look at the various data profiling options in Power Query like column quality, column value distribution and column profiling, and the benefits of using these.

HANDS-ON LAB: Implementing Governance using Resource Tags

This lab focuses on cloud governance pillars and covers the tagging concepts for Azure resources.

LEARNING PATH: AZ-220 Exam Preparation: Microsoft Azure IoT Developer (Preview)

This learning path is designed to help you prepare for the AZ-220 Microsoft Azure IoT Developer exam. Candidates who pass the AZ-220 exam will earn the Microsoft Certified Azure IoT Developer Specialty certification.

HANDS-ON LAB: Introduction to Azure Sentinel

This lab targets the Azure Sentinel Security offering that’s part of AZ-500 exam requirements, while also covering the gap in the library for uncovered Azure services.

HANDS-ON LAB: Investigating Security Events using Azure Sentinel

This lab guides students on using the Sentinel service to detect and investigate security incidents.

HANDS-ON LAB: Continuous Integration using Azure Pipelines in Azure DevOps

This lab guides you through building pipelines to enable continuous integration using Azure Pipelines (Azure DevOps).

LAB CHALLENGE: Azure Sentinel Incident Triage Challenge

This challenge tests users’ knowledge on the Sentinel Incident Triage process.

LAB CHALLENGE: Azure Pipeline Continuous Integration

This hands-on lab challenge will test your practical ability to implement continuous integration using Azure DevOps and an IDE.

HANDS-ON LAB: Automating Threat Response using Sentinel Playbooks

In this hands-on lab, you will understand how to configure automated responses to security incidents in Sentinel using Playbooks.

Data Science & AI

HANDS-ON LAB: PySpark – Preprocessing

In this lab, you will learn how to create a dataset using the PySpark library, and to manipulate it using standard filtering and slicing techniques.

HANDS-ON LAB: PySpark – How to build a Machine Learning Pipeline

In this lab, you will learn how to create a machine learning pipeline using the PySpark library, and to perform metric evaluation and model tuning.


LEARNING PATH: JavaScript for Beginners

This learning path covers the fundamentals of JavaScript through 8 courses, 7 labs, 6 exams, and 1 lab Challenge.

LAB CHALLENGE: Javascript for Beginners Challenge

This lab challenge will test your ability to use functions and conditionals to complete a calculator app.

HANDS-ON LAB: Working with HTML Text Elements

This lab has the learner work with different text elements.  In the lab, learners will create paragraph and heading elements.  They will use inline elements to semantic meaning to specific sections of text within paragraph elements.

COURSE: Introduction to HTML Text Elements

This practical course explores HTML text elements and covers the difference between block and inline text elements. This course also covers how some text elements help with user accessibility.

HANDS-ON LAB: Working with Semantic HTML

In this lab, you will create several semantic elements to build a semantic web page.

COURSE: Introduction to Semantic HTML Elements

This course explores semantic HTML elements and covers the difference between block and inline text elements. This course also covers the meaning and purpose of some commonly used semantic elements.

COURSE: Introduction to JavaScript Template Literals

This course explores ES6 JavaScript Template Literals.  This course teaches how to use template literal strings and string expressions.

COURSE: Introduction to JavaScript Destructuring

This course explores JavaScript destructuring, which is a JavaScript expression that unpacks values from arrays and objects.

HANDS-ON LAB: Working with JavaScript Destructuring

This is a companion lab for the Introduction to JavaScript Destructuring Course. In this lab, learners will gain the skills to destructure objects, arrays and use destructuring as part of function parameters.


COURSE: Ansible Automation for SAP

This course is intended for anyone who wants to learn how Ansible automation can be used with their SAP workloads.

COURSE: Running Containers with Red Hat

This course covers a range of techniques to help you run your own containerized applications using Red Hat.

COURSE: Ansible Basics – Automation Technical Overview

This course is intended for anyone who wants to learn more about the Ansible Automation Platform in order to operationalize and put their Ansible workloads into production.


Check out the complete list, including links to sign up for future webinars and watch recordings of past ones, on our Webinars page.

Upcoming — click to register

Recent — click to view recording

New Product Features

Changes to the way the product looks or works appear in the Cloud Academy Release Notes page.

In November, we released the Useful Links feature. This new tab, which appears below the video player in a course, contains clickable links to resources mentioned in the course content.

Technical Bulletins

Changes that can affect your API code or automations you have set up for reports appear in the Technical Bulletins article in the Cloud Academy help center.

Discontinue using the Training Plan Consumption Report API endpoint by January 10, 2022

The Training Plan Consumption Report, and the API endpoint that triggers its generation, were deprecated in October 2021. On January 10, 2022, they will be removed from the API. Any code that uses this endpoint will fail starting on that date. Instead, update your automations to use the Training Plan Progress report.

Update SSO Configuration by January 31, 2022

If you haven’t already updated your SSO Configuration, you must do so before January 31, 2022. See How the New SSO Configuration Is Different for instructions, or contact your CSM for more information.

Stay updated

As always, we use Cloud Academy Blog to keep you up-to-date on the latest technology and best practices. All of our new blogs, reports, and updates go directly to our Cloud Academy social media accounts. For the latest updates, follow and like us on the following social media platforms:

The post New Content: Terraform Labs, Azure AZ-220 & lots more appeared first on Cloud Academy.

New Content in October Mon, 22 Nov 2021 01:00:22 +0000 This October, our team of expert certification specialists released eight new or updated learning paths, 23 courses, 21 hands-on labs, and one lab challenge! New Content on Cloud Academy This month’s new content fell into these categories: AWS Google Cloud Microsoft Azure Security DevOps Programming Data Science & AI Webinars...

The post New Content in October appeared first on Cloud Academy.

This October, our team of expert certification specialists released eight new or updated learning paths, 23 courses, 21 hands-on labs, and one lab challenge!

New Content on Cloud Academy

This month’s new content fell into these categories:


COURSE: How IAM Is Used to Securely Manage Access

This course provides an overview of the AWS Identity & Access Management Service, commonly referred to as IAM, along with its core features. This is a key security service within AWS and is likely to be one of the first security services you will come across allowing you to manage specific access controls within your environment for your users.

COURSE: Tablet Talk: The AWS Network – How Does It Actually Work!?

If you’ve ever wondered how the underlying AWS network actually works, this Tablet Talk is for you. We’ll have an advanced conversation that will describe how traffic moves through the VPC, from the internal IP spaces to the external world, as well as how instance-to-instance communication takes place. There are a few hidden AWS services that make all the magic happen behind the scenes, and we will discuss those as well.

HANDS-ON LAB: Detecting Malicious Web Requests With AWS Web Application Firewall

This lab demonstrates how to use the AWS Web Application Firewall (WAF) service to detect potentially malicious web requests.

HANDS-ON LAB: Analyzing Sentiments and Entities in Text with Amazon Comprehend

This lab supports our content for the AWS Financial Game Day initiative and walks the student through using the Amazon Comprehend console to analyze natural text.

HANDS-ON LAB: Predicting Time-Series Data with Amazon Forecast

This lab will help you understand the main components of Amazon Forecast, a fully managed machine learning service for time-series forecasting.

COURSE: Introduction to Microservices, Containers, and ECS

This course covers microservices and how a microservices-based architecture differs from a monolithic architecture. It also explains what containers are and how you can create your own and then run them in AWS using the Elastic Container Service (ECS).

HANDS-ON LAB: Filtering Published Amazon SNS Messages

In this guided lab, you’ll create an Amazon SNS topic, subscribe Amazon SQS queues to it, create subscription filters, and publish Amazon SNS messages. This lab will be of particular interest to candidates for the Solutions Architect Associate certification.

LEARNING PATH: re:Invent: STG207 – Best practices for moving your data to AWS, online and offline

This learning path has been curated to help you get the most from the STG207 re:Invent session. It will enable you to understand the insights and discussions during the talk at a greater level, and prepare you to ask some great questions of the speaker(s).

LEARNING PATH: re:Invent: NET206 – Advanced Amazon VPC design and new capabilities

Optimize your experience with this learning path, which will help you get the most from the NET206 re:Invent session. It will enable you to understand the insights and discussions during the talk at a greater level, and prepare you to ask some great questions of the speaker(s).

LEARNING PATH: re:Invent: STG205 – AWS storage solutions for containers and serverless applications

Gain the knowledge and understanding required to get the most from the STG205 re:Invent session. This learning path will enable you to understand the insights and discussions during the talk at a greater level, and prepare you to ask some great questions of the speaker(s). 

Google Cloud

COURSE: Introduction to Google Cloud Pub/Sub

In this course, you will learn how to use Google Cloud Pub/Sub to create a reliable, asynchronous messaging service for any scale.

COURSE: Cloud Fundamentals

This course introduces important cloud concepts and terminology. Learn about the types of “clouds,” the various service models, and the main differences from traditional on-premises data centers.

LEARNING PATH: Google Cloud Digital Leader Exam Preparation

This learning path is designed to help you prepare for the Google Cloud Digital Leader Exam. Candidates who pass the exam will earn the Google Cloud Digital Leader Certification.

Microsoft Azure

COURSE: Getting Started with Compliance Policies in Microsoft 365

This course will provide you with a solid understanding of compliance policies and where they fit into Microsoft 365.

COURSE: Building a Chatbot on Azure (2021)

In this course, you will learn how to create a chatbot to answer support questions about specific products and services. This course requires some previous knowledge of Azure and coding.

HANDS-ON LAB: Organizing Code Using Azure Repos in Azure DevOps

In this lab, you will create a new repository, clone a repo to an IDE, make a branch to make changes, commit changes, and submit a pull request to merge the master branch.

HANDS-ON LAB: Azure CLI Playground

This playground is a safe and secure sandbox environment for you to explore your own ideas, follow along with Cloud Academy courses, or answer your own questions—all without the need to install any software on your local machine.

COURSE: Building a Chatbot on Azure

In this course, you will learn how to create a chatbot to answer support questions about specific products and services. This course requires some previous knowledge of Azure and coding.

LEARNING PATH: AZ-120: Planning and Administering Microsoft Azure for SAP Workloads

This learning path is designed to help you prepare for the AZ-120 Planning and Administering Microsoft Azure for SAP Workloads exam.

LAB CHALLENGE: Azure DevOps Git Workflow with Azure Repos Challenge

This hands-on lab challenge will test the learner’s practical ability to follow a feature branching 

Git workflow using Azure DevOps and an IDE.

LEARNING PATH: AI-102 Exam Preparation: Designing and Implementing a Microsoft Azure AI Solution

This learning path is designed to help you prepare for the AI-102 Designing and Implementing a Microsoft Azure AI Solution exam. Even if you don’t plan to take the exam, these courses and hands-on labs will help you get started on your way to becoming an Azure AI engineer.

COURSE: Getting Started with Conditional Access Policies

This course covers conditional access policies in Azure. You’ll learn what Conditional Access is, why you use it, and what it offers. We’ll then explore how to build a conditional access policy, and you’ll see a demonstration of how to create one.

HANDS-ON LAB: Azure DevOps Playground

In this lab playground, learners have the opportunity to play around with a preconfigured Azure DevOps environment. This lab playground also includes a couple of suggested activities to get you started with exploring Azure DevOps.

COURSE: Storage Solutions for SAP on Azure

This course delves into greater detail on previously discussed topics and introduces new, more complex subject matter and its application to SAP workloads to ensure business continuity.

COURSE: Assessing Data Characteristics for Power BI

This course shows you how to use the various graphical tools in Power Query Editor to visualize data distribution, including uniqueness and distinct values. It also looks at factors that impact correctly importing table relationships into a Power BI data model and pitfalls to look for when assessing and profiling column data.

HANDS-ON LAB: Understanding Data Events using Azure Event Hubs

This hands-on lab is designed to help you understand and explore the usage of Azure Event hubs to send and receive cloud events.

COURSE: Connecting Your Physical Environment to a Digital World – A Roadmap to IoT Solutioning

This course will share an IoT real-world adoption scenario and how the team went about incorporating IoT Azure services.

COURSE: Deciphering Data – Optimizing Data Communication to Maximize Your ROI

This course focuses on data acquisition, data ingestion, and the data processing aspect of IoT solutions to maximize value from data.

COURSE: Adding Intelligence – Unlocking New Insights with AI & Machine Learning

Processing data in the cloud is not always the optimal way to run computational workloads, for various reasons. This session dives into how Azure IoT Edge can help in this scenario by training a machine learning model in the cloud using the Microsoft AI Platform and deploying this model to an IoT Edge device using Azure IoT Hub.

COURSE: Big Data 2.0 – IoT as Your New Operational Data Source

This course is intended for anyone looking to improve their understanding of Azure IoT and its benefits for organizations. You’ll gain an understanding of all the related data components of the IoT reference architecture.

COURSE: Strategy & Best Practices When Mapping Designs from Edge to Cloud

This course explores strategies for secure IoT device connectivity in real-world edge environments—specifically how the use of the Azure IoT Edge Gateway can accommodate offline, intermittent, legacy environments by means of Gateway configuration patterns.


COURSE: CSSLP Domain 2:1 Policy Decomposition

This course is the first installment of three courses covering Domain 2 of the CSSLP, covering the topic of policy decomposition. Understand the fundamental concepts of information security and operational security.

COURSE: CSSLP Domain 2:2 Data Classification & Categorization

This course is the second installment of three courses covering Domain 2 of the CSSLP, covering the topic of data classification and categorization. Understand the fundamentals of data classification and categorization; learn about the security implications of data ownership and labeling; and learn about different data types and the data lifecycle.

COURSE: CSSLP Domain 2:3 Requirements

This course is the third installment of three courses covering Domain 2 of the CSSLP, covering the topic of functional and operational security requirements. You’ll explore the functional and operational requirements for building secure software.

LEARNING PATH: CSSLP: Domain 2 – Secure Software Requirements

This learning path covers domain two of the CSSLP certification and prepares you to successfully take and pass the examination. 


HANDS-ON LAB: Understand Kubernetes API Access Control Mechanisms

In this lab, you will gain a basic understanding of the three layers for securing the Kubernetes API server and how each can impact requests sent to the cluster.

HANDS-ON LAB: Using Kubernetes Custom Resource Definitions (CRDs)

You will learn how to discover and use custom resources in this lab. You will work with Argo CD custom resources to release an update to an application.

HANDS-ON LAB: Utilizing Ephemeral Volume Types in Kubernetes

This lab explores ephemeral volumes. You will learn how Kubernetes provides ephemeral storage and how to utilize ephemeral storage.


COURSE: Introduction to JavaScript ES6 Variables

This practical course explores JavaScript ES6 Variables. You will learn what they are and how to use them.

HANDS-ON LAB: Working with Files and Directories in Linux

In this lab, you will use fundamental Linux commands to work with files and directories in a Linux environment.

HANDS-ON LAB: Practicing Shell Scripting Fundamentals

This lab assigns shell scripting tasks that involve declaring and using variables, conditional statements, tests, and for loops.

COURSE: Introduction to JavaScript Functions

This course introduces the function declarations and expressions along with ES6 arrow function syntax.

HANDS-ON LAB: Working with Exit Statuses in Your Shell Scripts

Use Linux command exit statuses and return codes in a shell script. This lab provides supplemental hands-on learning for the student to work with topics covered in the Using Exit Statuses and Return Codes in Your Scripts course.

HANDS-ON LAB: Working with Functions in Your Shell Scripts

In this lab, you will utilize functions, parameters, and variables in a shell script. The commands used in this lab are covered in the Functions in Scripts course.

COURSE: Introduction to JavaScript Conditionals (If Statements)

This course introduces the conditional chain using if, else if, and else statements to determine which blocks of code should be executed in a program.

HANDS-ON LAB: Working with JavaScript Conditionals (If Statements)

In this lab, you will work hands-on with JavaScript if statements. Learn how to use conditional chaining to execute specific blocks of code.

HANDS-ON LAB: Working with Linux Wildcards

This lab covers Linux wildcards in shell scripts to assist with file and directory searching and string pattern matching. You’ll use wildcards to perform actions on one or more files at a time, as well as use character classes to find matching pieces of text in a file.

HANDS-ON LAB: Working with While Loops in Your Shell Script

This lab covers patterns that benefit from the use of while loops and will have you update two shell scripts that revolve around reading and creating files.

HANDS-ON LAB: Working with Case Statements in Your Shell Scripts

This lab covers patterns that benefit from the use of case statements as an alternative to conditional statements.

COURSE: Foundation of Creating an HTML Document

This practical course explores the initial creation of an HTML document and also offers a quick primer on the structure of an HTML element.

HANDS-ON LAB: Working With the Foundation of an HTML Document

This lab created by Rebecca Hom has the learner create the foundational pieces of an HTML document. You’ll begin with the declaration and then work through the head and body of the document.

Data Science & AI

HANDS-ON LAB: Machine Learning with scikit-learn

The aim of this lab is to challenge you on building a supervised machine learning pipeline to predict the median values of owner-occupied housing in USD 1000 in the Boston dataset.

LEARNING PATH: Machine Learning with Python

This learning path explores a range of techniques for building machine learning pipelines with Python.


Check out the complete list, including links to sign up for future webinars and watch recordings of past ones, on our Webinars page.

Upcoming — click to register

Recent — click to view recording

New Product Features


There are new versions of the Members report, some Report API endpoints, and some LMS API endpoints. The old versions will no longer be available after October 31, 2021. 

You should update any processes that depend on the legacy items before that date. You can read more in the Technical Bulletins article in the help center.


Changes to the way the product looks or works appear in the Cloud Academy Release Notes page.

  • End User Dashboard: The dashboard that team members see first when they log in to their Cloud Academy account has been updated. All the functionality is still there, but we have refreshed the layout to be more intuitive and compatible with accessibility tools. This feature is being rolled out incrementally, so if your users haven’t already noticed the change, they will soon.
  • Content Engine Editor: The content editing experience of Content Engine has been updated. The new editor has superior code sample highlighting, image inserting, and video inserting.

Stay updated

As always, we use Cloud Academy Blog to keep you up-to-date on the latest technology and best practices. All of our new blogs, reports, and updates go directly to our Cloud Academy social media accounts. For the latest updates, follow and like us on the following social media platforms:

The post New Content in October appeared first on Cloud Academy.

New Content: Tons of New Labs and Courses for Fall 2021 Thu, 14 Oct 2021 16:29:56 +0000 To give fall a proper kickoff, over the past two months our team of expert certification specialists released 12 new or updated learning paths, 39 courses, 29 hands-on labs, and 17 lab challenges! New Content on Cloud Academy Fall’s new content fell into these categories: AWS Google Cloud Microsoft Azure...

The post New Content: Tons of New Labs and Courses for Fall 2021 appeared first on Cloud Academy.

To give fall a proper kickoff, over the past two months our team of expert certification specialists released 12 new or updated learning paths, 39 courses, 29 hands-on labs, and 17 lab challenges!

New Content on Cloud Academy

Fall’s new content fell into these categories:


COURSE: AWS Cost Management: Visualizing Costs

This course explores how to visualize your costs in AWS and share them with others. We’ll look at some of the tools you can use for this purpose, including the AWS Billing Service, AWS Cost and Usage Reports (CURs), AWS Glue, Amazon Athena, and Amazon QuickSight. You’ll follow with guided demonstrations from the AWS platform showing you how to use these services.

COURSE: Running Operations & Large Scale Data Transfer in non-AWS Environments with the AWS Snow Family

This course takes an introductory look at the AWS Snow Family of devices, giving you an understanding of what they are and the problems they are designed to solve when it comes to data transfer. The devices covered by this course include AWS Snowcone, Snowball, and Snowmobile.

COURSE: Using EC2 Image Builder to Build and Maintain Secure Images

This course explores EC2 Image Builder, a service designed to help automate the creation and updating of images for your EC2 instance. So if you want to understand how to build and maintain secure EC2 images, you’re in the right place!

COURSE: AWS Snowcone: Providing Portable Edge Computing and Data Transfer

This course explores how the AWS Snowcone service can be used to provide portable edge computing and data transfer. We’ll cover the basics of the service, what it’s used for, how to request one, and how to transfer data in and out of it.

COURSE: How to Think Like a Solutions Architect!

If you’re just beginning your journey towards becoming a solutions architect, this course is a great place to start. We’ll cover what a solutions architect is and what they do, the pillars of the AWS well-architected framework, and other essential aspects of AWS that you should know if you want to become a solutions architect.

LAB CHALLENGE: AWS Identity and Access Management Permissions Challenge

This hands-on lab challenge will test your practical ability to create IAM resources in a production-like AWS environment.

HANDS-ON LAB: Transforming Your Data with Amazon S3 Object Lambda

In this lab, you will configure an Amazon S3 Object Lamdba Access Point and write a custom Lambda function to retrieve CSV files stored in an S3 bucket. Then you’ll transform that data into JSON before returning it to the application.

LEARNING PATH: Webinar Exam Prep: Acing the AWS Certified Developer – Associate (DVA-C01)

This learning path is suitable for anyone wanting to pass the AWS Certified Developer – Associate (DVA-C01) exam. As a prerequisite, you should have already completed the AWS Developer – Associate Preparation for AWS learning path.

HANDS-ON LAB: Writing Your Own AWS CDK Constructs in TypeScript

In this lab, you will refactor an existing CDK application by creating your own custom S3 construct.

HANDS-ON LAB: Implementing an Azure WAF Application Gateway

In this lab, you will explore enabling WAF on Application Gateway and creating a policy.

LAB CHALLENGE: Amazon DynamoDB and AWS Lambda Challenge

This hands-on lab challenge will test your practical ability to create a DymamoDB table and implement an AWS Lambda in a production-like AWS environment.

HANDS-ON LAB: Snapshot Testing AWS CDK Constructs

In this lab, you will discover how the Jest framework works within a CDK project and learn how to implement snapshot tests.

HANDS-ON LAB: Evaluating CDK Constructs with Fine-Grained Assertions and Validation Tests

In this lab, you will write fine-grained assertions and validation tests to evaluate a custom Amazon Kinesis stream construct.

LEARNING PATH: Get Hands-on with AWS Lambda

This learning path has been designed to provide you with hands-on experience of using AWS Lambda to configure and implement a variety of solutions, many of which will integrate with other AWS services.

LEARNING PATH: Managing AWS Compute (EC2) & Block Storage (EBS)

This learning path is focused on two key services: Amazon EC2 and the Elastic Block Store service (EBS).

LAB CHALLENGE: AWS CDK Construct Testing Challenge

This challenge will test your practical ability to work within a CDK project and utilize the built-in Jest framework tools to satisfy a set of requirements in a production-like AWS environment.

HANDS-ON LAB: Integrating Services with an AWS Step Functions State Machine

In this lab, you will work with two examples of these state machine service integrations and discover how to implement them using the Amazon State Language.

COURSE: AWS Snowcone: Providing Portable Edge Computing and Data Transfer

This course explores how the AWS Snowcone service can be used to provide portable edge computing and data transfer.

LAB CHALLENGE: AWS CodeDeploy Challenge

This hands-on lab challenge will test your practical ability to modify a solution in a production-like AWS environment. You will be presented with a task and set of requirements you must fulfill to pass the challenge.

LAB CHALLENGE: Amazon S3 and AWS Lambda Challenge

This hands-on lab challenge will test your practical ability to configure a solution in a production-like AWS environment. You will be presented with a task and set of requirements that you must fulfill to pass the challenge.

LEARNING PATH: Monitoring and Observing your Resources with Amazon CloudWatch

This learning path has been designed to enhance your knowledge of the Amazon CloudWatch service, allowing you to implement some of its key features.

COURSE: AWS Cost Management: Tagging

Costs in cloud environments can get complicated quickly. Therefore, it is essential to provide transparency and responsibility to everyone in a business. In this course, we will take a look at tagging in AWS in general and other best practices in the context of cost optimization in AWS.

COURSE: Performing Data Transfers using AWS DataSync

This course explores the AWS DataSync service which focuses on the transfer of data between on-premises into AWS storage services, in addition to transferring data between AWS storage services.

HANDS-ON LAB: Accessing Amazon DynamoDB Using Amazon API Gateway Service Proxy

In this lab, you will configure HTTP endpoints that interact directly with an Amazon DynamoDB table using an API Gateway Service Proxy.

HANDS-ON LAB: Defining Cloud Infrastructure with the AWS Cloud Development Kit and Python

In this lab, you will use these features of the AWS CDK Toolkit to create an AWS CloudFormation stack using the Python programming language.

LEARNING PATH: Get Hands-on with the AWS Cloud Development Kit (CDK)

This learning path has been designed to explore the AWS CDK and provide you with the practical knowledge you will need to begin building your own applications. You’ll gain hands-on experience with the AWS CDK and understand how features such as the CDK Construct Library and the CDK Toolkit can improve the way you provision your cloud infrastructure.

HANDS-ON LAB: Working with the AWS CDK Toolkit

In this lab, you will walk through the development process of a sample AWS CDK application in an integrated development environment (IDE) to utilize the AWS CDK Toolkit and discover the usage and benefits of the subcommands.

LAB CHALLENGE: AWS CDK Toolkit Challenge Using Python

This hands-on lab challenge will test your practical ability to interact with the AWS CDK Toolkit and Python to satisfy a set of requirements in a production-like AWS environment.

HANDS-ON LAB: Integrating Custom Resources in AWS CloudFormation

In this lab, you will implement an AWS Lambda that can be used to provision a non-AWS resource. You’ll also create an AWS CloudFormation stack containing a custom resource that is backed by the AWS Lambda function.

LEARNING PATH: AWS FinOps: Cost Management & Optimization

This learning path has been designed to focus on the cost management techniques when using AWS.

COURSE: An Introduction to AWS Systems Manager to Gain Operational Insights

In this course, you will be introduced to AWS Systems Manager and learn how the Systems Manager service helps you automatically implement complex workflows related to your machine setup, maintenance, and life cycle.

HANDS-ON LAB: Defining Cloud Infrastructure with the AWS Cloud Development Kit and TypeScript

In this lab, you will use these features of the AWS CDK Toolkit to create an AWS CloudFormation stack using the TypeScript programming language.

HANDS-ON LAB: Writing Your Own AWS CDK Constructs in Python

In this lab, you will refactor an existing CDK application by creating your own custom S3 construct.

LAB CHALLENGE: AWS SSM Parameter Store and AWS Lambda Challenge

This hands-on lab challenge will test your practical ability to make changes to a solution in a production-like AWS environment.

COURSE: Running Highly Performant File Systems with Amazon FSx

This course will cover both FSx for Windows file system and FSx for Lustre, the two choices you have when deploying an FSx workload.

Google Cloud

COURSE: GKE Services and Network Policies

This course will cover how to manage communication both inside and outside of your Kubernetes cluster.

COURSE: GKE Role-Based Access Control

This course will demonstrate how to use Kubernetes role-based access control (RBAC) to create roles and bind them to both user and service accounts.

LEARNING PATH: Architecting with Google Kubernetes Engine

This learning path is designed to teach you how to deploy and manage containerized applications using Google Kubernetes Engine (GKE).

LEARNING PATH: Developing for Google Kubernetes Engine

This learning path is designed to teach you how to build and deploy containerized applications on Google Kubernetes Engine (GKE).

LEARNING PATH: Google Cloud Platform Technical Essentials

This learning path is designed to show how Google Cloud Platform can be used to build cloud-based products and services.

COURSE: Managing Application Logs and Metrics on GCP

In this course, you will learn how to stream logs using Cloud Logging Agent, as well as how to find the information you are looking for using Metric Explorer.

COURSE: Setting Up a Google Platform Environment

In this course, you will learn how to create and set up new GCP projects and how to give users permission to access project resources by assigning them to roles such as owner and editor. You will also learn how to enable APIs, set up budgets, and monitor spending.

COURSE: Introduction to Google Cloud SDK
In this course, we will cover how to install, set up, and use the main features of the Google Cloud SDK.

Microsoft Azure

COURSE: An Intro to Microsoft Defender for Identity

Learn what Microsoft Defender for Identity is, what it offers, the components that comprise it, and the requirements you must meet to use it.

COURSE: Managing Regulatory Compliance in Microsoft 365

This course explores the compliance features available to a Microsoft 365 administrator as well as how to manage regulatory compliance in a Microsoft 365 environment.

COURSE: Implementing Image Classification by Using the Azure Custom Vision Service

This course explores the Azure Custom Vision service and how you can use it to create and customize vision recognition solutions.

COURSE: DP-203 Exam Prep – Introduction

This course introduces the DP-203 Exam Preparation: Data Engineering on Microsoft Azure learning path, which explores the main subject areas covered in Microsoft’s DP-203 exam.

HANDS-ON LAB: Converting ARM Templates to Azure Bicep Templates

In this lab, you will learn how to convert existing ARM templates to Azure Bicep templates and fix common conversion issues that may appear.

COURSE: Configuring Health Monitoring for Azure IoT

This course will focus on the skills needed to integrate Azure Monitor and its corresponding features within IoT solutions.

LAB CHALLENGE: Azure Virtual Network NAT with Azure Function Challenge

This hands-on lab challenge will test your practical ability to build a solution in a production-like Azure environment.

LAB CHALLENGE: Converting ARM Templates to Azure Bicep Challenge

In this challenge, you have to convert an ARM template to a Bicep template using the Azure CLI and deploy the template along with the given parameter file to Azure using the Azure CLI.

COURSE: Azure SQL – Designing and Implementing a Migration Plan

This course explores how to migrate an existing on-premises database environment to an Azure SQL database solution.

COURSE: Intro to Microsoft Defender for Endpoint

This course explores what Microsoft Defender for Endpoint is, what it does, and how to plan for deployment.

HANDS-ON LAB: Real-time Azure Bicep Template Conversion Playground

In this playground, learners have the ability to upload an existing ARM template of choice and have it be decompiled into an Azure Bicep template; choose from a number of sample templates to see how they are converted; and amend a converted template and see the changes in the original ARM template in real time.

LEARNING PATH: Azure Bicep: Flexing Your Infrastructure-as-Code Muscles

This learning path is helpful for anyone who wants to learn how to use Azure Bicep to manage infrastructure on Azure.

HANDS-ON LAB: Managing Workstreams Using Projects in Azure DevOps

In this lab, you will learn about the various tools available within a project, as well as creating your own project and adding a team to that project.

HANDS-ON LAB: Automating DSC Configuration using Azure Automation Account

In this hands-on lab, you will work with Azure Automation Account to automate the configuration management on an Azure Virtual Machine using DSC.

LAB CHALLENGE: Azure Automation Account DSC Challenge

This hands-on lab challenge will test your practical ability to interact with the Azure Automation Account to satisfy a set of requirements in a production-like Azure environment.

COURSE: Authentication and Access for SAP on Azure

This course is intended for anyone who wants to boost security for their SAP environments on Azure, through the use of authentication and access practices.

LEARNING PATH: MS-500 Exam Preparation: Microsoft 365 Security Administration

This learning path is designed to help you and your team prepare for the MS-500 Microsoft 365 Security Administration exam.

COURSE: Handling Slowly Changing Dimensions With Azure Synapse Analytics Pipelines

In this course, we’ll explain the concept of slowly changing dimensions and the different approaches to dealing with them.

COURSE: Monitoring Microsoft 365 Security with Azure Sentinel

This course explores Azure Sentinel and how to use it to monitor Microsoft 365.

COURSE: Intro to Sensitivity Labels in Microsoft 365

This course introduces you to sensitivity labels in Microsoft 365. You’ll learn what they are and what functions they perform in protecting your data.

COURSE: Introduction to Azure Delta Lake on Azure Databricks

This course provides an introduction to Delta Lake in Azure Databricks and shows you how to use it.

HANDS-ON LAB: Implementing Azure Virtual Network NAT with Azure Functions

In this hands-on lab, you will learn to configure Azure Function behind a NAT gateway to restrict the outbound IP address.

COURSE: Implementing Microsoft Defender for Endpoint

This course explores Microsoft Defender for Endpoint and how to implement it.

LAB CHALLENGE: Azure Bicep Parameterizing Challenge

This challenge complements the introductory labs in the Bicep series and tests a student’s practical ability to amend and deploy a Bicep template in a production-like Azure environment using the Azure CLI.

LAB CHALLENGE: Azure Bicep Parameter File Challenge

This hands-on lab challenge will test your practical ability to create a parameter file for a Bicep template and deploy both in a production-like Azure environment.

HANDS-ON LAB: Implementing Azure Front Door with App Service Origin Host

In this hands-on lab, you will be introduced to Azure Front Door, along with how to set up origin groups and configure health probes and load balancing for the backend.

LAB CHALLENGE: Azure Front Door Challenge

This hands-on lab challenge will test your practical ability to build a solution in a production-like Azure environment. You will be presented with a task and a set of requirements that you must fulfill to pass the challenge.

COURSE: Deploying Microsoft Defender for Identity

This quick-hitting course is intended for those who want to learn how to deploy Defender for Identity.


COURSE: CSSLP Domain 1:3 Security Policies and Regulations​

This is one of four courses covering Domain 1 of the CSSLP. This course explores the topic of security policies and regulations.

COURSE: CSSLP Domain 1:2 Risk Management

This is one of four courses covering Domain 1 of the CSSLP. This course explores the topic of risk management.

COURSE: CSSLP Domain 1:4 Software Development Methodologies

This is the fourth installment of four courses covering Domain 1 of the CSSLP, exploring the topic of software development methodologies.


HANDS-ON LAB: Using Kubernetes Primitives to Implement Common Deployment Strategies

This lab covers the following new objective on the recently released CKAD exam: “Use Kubernetes primitives to implement common deployment strategies (e.g. blue/green or canary).”

HANDS-ON LAB: Exposing Applications Using Kubernetes Ingress Rules

This lab is valuable to anyone working with Kubernetes, but the content has been prepared considering topics described in the Certified Kubernetes Application Developer (CKAD) Exam Curriculum. 

COURSE: Terraform 1.0 – Provisioning AWS Infrastructure

This course explores Terraform, an open-source tool which DevOps and SysOps engineers often use to codify their cloud infrastructure requirements. In this course you’ll learn about Terraform from the ground up, and how it can be used to codify infrastructure. Terraform can be used to provision infrastructure across multiple cloud providers, including AWS, which this course will focus on.


HANDS-ON LAB: Working with JavaScript Arrays

In this lab, you will be working with JavaScript arrays. Arrays are zero-indexed data collections with many built-in methods. These methods help you access and manipulate the values (elements) of an array.

COURSE: Introduction to JavaScript Variables, Primitive Data Types, and Console

This course focuses on JavaScript basics. It begins by defining what a variable is, and then transitions to some different primitive data types. Lastly, it covers the JavaScript console and how to display output to it.

COURSE: Introduction to JavaScript Arrays

This course introduces the array collection data type. You’ll be taught how to write an array and then how to manipulate the array data with some common JavaScript array methods.

COURSE: Introduction to JavaScript Objects

This course explores JavaScript objects, including how to create an object and how to access values from properties within that object.

HANDS-ON LAB: Working with JavaScript Objects

In this lab, you will declare an object and use both dot notation and square bracket notation to access, add, and change property values. Each check will ask you to output data to the console.

HANDS-ON LAB: Working with JavaScript Comparison Operators

In this lab, you’ll work hands-on with JavaScript comparison operators. Learn the differences between each comparison operator. 

HANDS-ON LAB: Working with JavaScript Logical Operators

In this lab, you will be working with JavaScript Logical Operators. You’ll use console.log() with Boolean values to understand what results are returned under certain combinations.

HANDS-ON LAB: Working with JavaScript Functions

In this lab, you will write function declarations and expressions. Each function will have you use console.log() to display the resulting value.

COURSE: Introduction to JavaScript Comparison Operators

This course introduces using JavaScript comparison operators to evaluate the equality or difference between two values or variables.

COURSE: Introduction to JavaScript Logical Operators

This course introduces how JavaScript logical operators are typically used to compare two or more conditions that will return a true or false value.

HANDS-ON LAB: Reading, Writing, and Parsing YAML Files

This lab serves as a foundational piece of content that will be of interest to anyone new to configuring cloud-based systems and software with YAML configuration files.

HANDS-ON LAB: Configuring Systems and Tools Using YAML

In this lab, you will examine some practical examples of YAML configuration, and you will learn some advanced techniques to make using YAML more effective.

LAB CHALLENGE: YAML Configuration File Challenge

This hands-on lab challenge will test your practical ability to use an integrated development environment (IDE) to create a database configuration YAML file.

HANDS-ON LAB: JavaScript Primitive Data Type Variables and Console Log

In this lab, you’ll declare variables of different primitive types, and then output each variable’s value in the console.

LAB CHALLENGE: Python and Boto3 Lab Challenge

This challenge provides you with several Python programming tasks to complete from a browser-based Integrated Development Environment (IDE). 

Data Science & AI

HANDS-ON LAB: Data Visualization with Bokeh

In this hands-on lab, you will master your knowledge of Bokeh, a very popular Python library for dynamic data visualization. Here, you will build standalone plots, and add interactive tools and features, including dynamic legends and Hover inspectors.

COURSE: PyTorch 101

This course covers the fundamentals of PyTorch, a Python ecosystem mostly used in machine learning systems.

LAB CHALLENGE: Data Science with Python – Basic Concepts

This lab will test your knowledge of Python for Data Science, focusing on three important aspects: programming, data management, and visualization. By the end, you should have a deep understanding of how Python is used in Data Science.

LAB CHALLENGE: Data Science with Python – Advanced Concepts

This lab will further test your knowledge of Python for Data Science. The main focus will be on Pandas and Matplotlib, the fundamental libraries for performing data analysis, management, and visualization using Python.


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New Product Features


There are new versions of the Members report, some Report API endpoints, and some LMS API endpoints. The old versions will no longer be available after October 31, 2021. 

You should update any processes that depend on the legacy items before that date. You can read more in the Technical Bulletins article in the help center.


Changes to the way the product looks or works appear in the Cloud Academy Release Notes page.

  • New navigation bar: All users will notice that the toolbar that appears at the top of the screen on most pages of the application has been streamlined. The help center article How the New Navigation Bars Are Different explains the benefits of this change and explains where to find all the old functionality in the new navigation bar.
  • Certification dashboard: A dashboard summarizing data about your members’ certifications now appears in the management dashboard. See Certification Dashboard in the Cloud Academy help center.
  • Job roles: A screen that makes it easy for admins and team managers to assign training plans related to particular job roles now appears in the management dashboard. You can learn more about the screen in the Job Roles help center article.
  • Bulk actions on the organization screen: The tools to complete actions on multiple teams or team members have been improved. The Managing Members article in the help center includes a How to Select Multiple Members to Act On section that explains how to use this tool.
  • Content access report: This new report contains a history of which of your members have been assigned content access licenses over time. See Content Access Report in the Cloud Academy help center.
  • Certifications on the member spotlight: The member spotlight now has a section for certifications that the member has uploaded, as well as certificates of excellence the member earned for completing learning paths in Cloud Academy.
  • Inactive members report: This new report lists the members in your account who have never consumed training content.
  • Lab validation check hints: For selected hands-on labs, members can now get hints when they fail a validation check.
  • Bookmarks tab in the mobile app: Members using the mobile app for training can now access their bookmarks on a special bookmarks tab in the app.

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The post New Content: Tons of New Labs and Courses for Fall 2021 appeared first on Cloud Academy.
