
New: AI on Alibaba, Terraform Labs on Google Cloud, plus more

In December, our team of expert certification specialists released three new or updated learning paths, 25 courses, and 12 hands-on labs!

New Content on Cloud Academy

December’s new content fell into these categories:

Plus, check out updates on:

Amazon Web Services

HANDS-ON LAB: AWS Elastic Beanstalk Challenge

In this hands-on challenge lab, you will be given a scenario and a set of tasks to complete to meet the scenario’s requirements.

COURSE: Introduction to Amazon API Gateway

This course covers Amazon’s API Gateway service, which will help you create some incredibly robust APIs for your workloads.

COURSE: Advanced API Gateway

This course covers a few of the more advanced topics within API Gateway that can help take your architectures to the next level.

Google Cloud Platform

COURSE: Introduction to Developing on Anthos

Learn what Anthos is, how it compares to other similar solutions, and how to use it to deploy multi-cloud applications.

COURSE: Introduction to Cloud Dataprep

This course will teach you how to use Cloud Dataprep to explore, clean, and prepare your data.

HANDS-ON LAB: Understanding the Difference Between Cloud Endpoints and API Gateway

This lab explores the differences between Google Cloud Endpoints and API Gateway, with an emphasis on security.

HANDS-ON LAB: Working with Terraform Provisioners in GCP

This lab walks the student through how to create Terraform resource provisioners and learn how and when Terraform uses them during a deployment.

HANDS-ON LAB: Importing Existing Infrastructure into Terraform with GCP

In this lab, you will import an existing GCP resource into a Terraform project.

HANDS-ON LAB: Working with Terraform Remote State in GCP

In this lab, you will configure a Terraform project to store and manage state from a remote Google Cloud Storage bucket.

HANDS-ON LAB: Creating Reusable Infrastructure with Terraform Modules in GCP

This lab walks the student through how to create reusable Terraform modules to be shared and dynamically created within multiple Terraform projects.

HANDS-ON LAB: Working with Terraform Conditional Expressions in GCP

The lab introduces conditional expressions within a Terraform configuration to dynamically create GCP resources.

Microsoft Azure

HANDS-ON LAB: Power BI Desktop Playground

In this lab playground, you’ll have the opportunity to play around with a preconfigured Power BI Desktop environment with access to a wide range of abilities.

COURSE: Managing Indexing in Azure Cognitive Search

This course will focus on the skills required to manage and maintain the indexing process for an Azure Cognitive Search solution.

COURSE: Designing an Azure Virtual Desktop Architecture

This course will help you design and plan your Azure Virtual Desktop environment and allow you to understand how it integrates with other Azure services.

COURSE: Implementing an Azure Virtual WAN

In this course, we review Azure Virtual Wide Area Network (WAN). Azure Virtual WAN creates a hub-and-spoke topology that provides a single interface for managing branch connectivity, user access, and connectivity between VNets. We also cover how Azure Virtual WAN hubs connect with other network resources to create a full mesh topology that serves as a backbone of a hybrid network.

HANDS-ON LAB: Using Azure Synapse Analytics to Query Data Lake

In this lab, you will learn how to deploy Azure Synapse Analytics and use serverless SQL to execute queries against the data stored in a data lake storage account.

COURSE: Using DAX to Build Measures in Power BI

This course is part of the DA-100 Learning Path and takes a deep dive into building custom DAX measures.

HANDS-ON LAB: Advanced Threat Hunting in Microsoft Sentinel

In this hands-on lab, you will be taught how to use the Hunting dashboard to capture threats, create bookmarks, and generate incidents in Microsoft Sentinel.

LEARNING PATH: Becoming a Microsoft Sentinel Expert

This learning path takes you through the basics to an expert level with the Microsoft Sentinel SIEM tool to advance in Security operations in Azure Cloud.

HANDS-ON LAB: Getting Started with Azure Container Instances

In this lab, you will explore deploying an Azure Container Instance to host a web service; scaling a container; and running a task in a Container Instance.

LEARNING PATH: AZ-700 Exam Preparation: Designing and Implementing Microsoft Azure Networking Solutions (Preview)

This learning path is designed to help you prepare for Microsoft’s AZ-700 Designing and Implementing Microsoft Azure Networking Solutions exam.

COURSE: Analyzing Text by Using the Azure Text Analytics Service

This course covers how to use the text analytics features in Azure to detect language, as well as how to retrieve and process key phrases, entities, and sentiment from a text.

COURSE: Creating a Chatbot Using the Azure Bot Framework SDK

This course shows you the fundamentals of how to design, create, and test chatbots using the Azure Bot Framework SDK. 

Alibaba Cloud

LEARNING PATH: Alibaba Cloud Machine Learning Platform for AI

This learning path takes an in-depth look at Alibaba Cloud’s machine learning offering: Platform for Artificial Intelligence (PAI). We’ll start with an introduction to the service so you begin to get an idea of its capabilities. Then we’ll move on to look at the features of PAI in more detail.

COURSE: Introduction to Alibaba Cloud PAI (Platform for Artificial Intelligence)

This course explores Alibaba Cloud PAI and introduces the main features and capabilities of the service.

COURSE: Visual Development with Alibaba Cloud PAI-Studio

This course introduces visual development through PAI including an introduction to the basic concepts and a practical demo from the platform.

COURSE: Notebook Style Development with Alibaba Cloud PAI-DSW

In this course, we look at another component that PAI provides, PAI-DSW, and the approach of development based on Notebook.

COURSE: Applications of Alibaba Cloud PAI: Image Classification

This course covers three main tasks. The first is image classification based on Tensorflow. The second is sentiment classification of film reviews. The last is product recommendation based on a collaborative filtering algorithm, all of which can be used to build machine learning models in PAI studio, by dragging and dropping components.

COURSE: Applications of Alibaba Cloud PAI: Sentiment Analysis

In this course, we introduce the content related to sentiment analysis using Alibaba Cloud.

COURSE: Applications of Alibaba Cloud PAI: Product Recommendation

This course covers product recommendation using PAI, looking at the basic concept and application of the recommendation system.

COURSE: Alibaba Cloud 6th Generation ECS Technical Essentials

In this course, you’ll learn what Elastic Compute Service (ECS) is, how to use it, and what makes Alibaba Cloud’s new 6th generation instances faster and more powerful than their predecessors.

COURSE: Introduction to ECS Purchasing Options

This course introduces Alibaba ECS purchasing options, including ECS purchasing options, preemptible instances, reserved instances, saving plans, and cost optimization.

COURSE: Introduction to Alibaba Cloud Managed Security Services

This course covers Alibaba Cloud’s Managed Security Service, which allows you to manage the security of your Alibaba cloud environment effectively, providing all the operations of a security operations center.


COURSE: Introduction to JavaScript Rest Operator

This practical course explores the JavaScript Rest Operator. The rest operator is a syntax with the purpose of capturing individual values and placing them into a data collection.

COURSE: Introduction to JavaScript Deep/Shallow Copies and the Spread Operator

This practical course explores JavaScript deep/shallow copy mechanisms and how they are generated with the spread operator.

COURSE: Introduction to JavaScript Spread Operator

This practical course explores the JavaScript Spread Operator, a syntax with the purpose of unpacking values from an iterable data collection into individual elements.

HANDS-ON LAB: Introduction to Kusto Query Language (KQL)

In this hands-on lab, you will learn the basics about the KQL query language and explore the operators used to filter and transform the log data to make it usable and actionable for the security and operations team.

COURSE: Introduction to JavaScript Object Constructors

This course explores JavaScript Object Constructors, a function that creates an instance of an object. Learn how to create a constructor and use it to create multiple instances of an object.

COURSE: Introduction to JavaScript Constructor Methods and Prototypes

This course explores JavaScript Constructor Methods and Prototypes. A constructor method attaches itself to an instance of the constructor object; a prototype does not and is attached directly to the constructor.

COURSE: Introduction to JavaScript Object Methods

This course explores JavaScript Object Methods. A method is a function that is attached to an object property.


Check out the complete list, including links to sign up for future webinars and watch recordings of past ones, on our Webinars page.

Recent — click to view recording

Ongoing — click to register

New Product Features

Changes to the way the product looks or works appear in the Cloud Academy Release Notes page. We released three features in December.

The new Pre-Hire Assessments functionality lets you baseline your job applicants’ technical skills so you can make hiring decisions with confidence. You can get the details about this exciting new feature on our blog: Baseline Skills to Make the Right Hire. Sign up for our Pre-Hire Assessments customer webinar to learn more about this new technology. 

Skills profiles and Analytics can now be filtered by individual members. Previously, you could only filter by teams. Administrators and team managers can now filter by member to check a member’s skills without needing to leave the Skills Profiles or Analytics page to go to the User Snapshot.

You can now indicate the difficulty level on custom resources you create in Content Engine. The difficulty level you choose appears below the resource title in the training library.

Technical Bulletins

Changes that can affect your API code or automations you have set up for reports appear in the Technical Bulletins article in the Cloud Academy help center.

Update SSO Configuration by January 31, 2022

If you haven’t already updated your SSO Configuration, you must do so before January 31, 2022. See How the New SSO Configuration Is Different for instructions, or contact your CSM for more information.

Did you know? When you set up SSO, your identity provider is the single source of truth for your user information. So, if you need to update a user’s email address or other information in your SSO-enabled Cloud Academy account, just update the IdP and the change will flow naturally into Cloud Academy. 

Two Reports Get New Names February 1, 2022

Effective February 1, 2022, the following two reports will have new names:

  • The Members Report will be called the Active and Invited Members report. The file you receive when you run this report will have the following filename:


  • The Team Membership report will now be called the Active Team Members report. The file you receive when you run this report will have the following filename:


The content of these reports will remain the same, and nothing will change about the API calls you use to generate these reports. Only the names and filenames are changing. See New Titles for Two Reports for full information.

Cloud Academy Team

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